
if you are reading this, you are reading the vemf documentation. the vemf documentation has information about all of the different characters, verbs, nouns and adverbs that vemf has.

this documentation can be enjoyed in a "raw" text format or in a nice html webpage format. the raw format is converted to html with a vemf script.

but not only does this documentation have text. in fact i am bad at explaining stuff, so there are way more examples than text. here's one!

"hello world i am a vemf test"\"aeiou" ≡ "hll wrld  m  vmf tst"

the vemf documentation is not only a documentation, it doubles as a test suite! when the tests are run, the expressions to both sides of the are evaluated, and checked for equality. if you see an example like this:

1+1 ≡ 2

you know it will work in the latest vemf version!

the main way to play around with vemf is the interactive repl.


the indented lines are input, and the result is unindented and formatted automatically. the default formatting is not always what you want though:

    "hello world i am a vemf test"\"aeiou"
(104 108 108 32 119 114 108 100 32 32 109 32 32 118 109 102 32 116 115 116)

in the repl, you can format it into a string by using )4 (see Format)

    )4 "hello world i am a vemf test"\"aeiou"
"hll wrld  m  vmf tst"

if you evaluate something like "tangent of pi radians", thanks to floating-point shenanigans, you can get small inaccuracies:


when testing those we use ± Approximate Equal, and if a test passes, the results are within about 10 significant figures.

πâ ± 0

not everything can be automatically tested. functions that rely on the random number generator, like áàå, won't give the same results everytime, so tests with ?≡ are ignored.

5á ?≡ 3


here's a vemf expression!

1+2 ≡ 3

surprising! vemf can do maths. there are more operations, of course,

3*2 ≡ 6
8/4 ≡ 2
2*3+1 ≡ 7

characters like + - * / are functions. here they take two arguments at each side: α+β.

evaluation of functions is strictly left to right:

1+2*3 ≡ 9

functions may also be called with one argument (monadic) instead of two (dyadic), by only giving the left argument α+. here you can see - being called as α- Negate and α-β Subtract:

3-1 ≡ 2
4+2- ≡ _6
4+2-- ≡ 6
5- ≡ _5
5--3 ≡ _8

, where _5, _6, _8 are constants meaning −5, −6, −8 respectively.

almost every function has two different variants that do different things. even +! monadic α+ Sum adds all the items in a list:

123+ ≡ 6

uh, hm. yes. this is not the number one hundred and twenty-three. consecutive values form a list, and 1, 2, 3 are values. the sum of all of those is 6.

if you do want the number 123, you can use Numeric Literals by prepending a : colon:

:123+1 ≡ :124
:12:33:-4+ ≡ :41

or even shorter (and more obscure), we can use a Character Literal with a backtick. z is the 123rd character in the codepage, so:

`z+1 ≡ :123

note that whitespace matters when using numeric literals:

:12 34+ ≡ :19
:123 4+ ≡ :127

you may use parentheses to group expressions:

1+(2*3) ≡ 7

here, 2*3 is another expression that is executed before the outer one, and (2*3) is a single value.

the mathematical operations you are familiar with are here. arithmetic +-*/, ^ Exponent, Logarithm, and a bunch more.


a list is a finite ordered collection of values. lists can be created with stranding syntax, which just means putting values next to each other:

(1 2 3)
(16 25 36 49 64)

lists may be nested arbitrarily deep. this is a list composed of 3 lists, each with 3 items (or, if you prefer, a 3 by 3 matrix).

((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9))

the arguments of a list dont have to have the same length or the same type:

((0 3 6) 9)
((9 8) (1 2 3) (4 5 6 7))

we can get a list's length with α~:

123~ ≡ 3

in vemf, strings are lists of characters (rather, Unicode codepoints). a string literal makes a list with all the characters inside the Quotes, in vemf's codepage:

"abc" ≡ :97:98:99
"♥♦♣♠" ≡ 3456
"Hello, World!"~ ≡ :13

strings can be stranded as well:

((101 97 114 116 104) (102 105 114 101) (97 105 114) (119 97 116 101 114))
    )4 "earth""fire""air""water"
("earth" "fire" "air" "water")

functions that work with numbers are scalar functions: they automatically distribute to every number in a list. for two lists, this pairs up the elements and operates on them:

012*345 ≡ 0 4 :10

if one argument is a list and another is a scalar, the scalar is 'distributed' to all the items in the array:

63102+2 ≡ 85324
1/234 ≡ (1/2)(1/3)(1/4)

these rules are applied recursively:

(123)(456)(789)+01(323) ≡ (123)(567)(:10:10:12)

see also: Each, Conform

comparison functions, like < = > ≤ ~ ≥ (α~β is Not Equals), are scalar as well, and they return a 1 if true, otherwise 0:

"cat"="cow" ≡ 100
"cat"="cat" ≡ 111
(0123)(456)(78)9>5 ≡ (0000)(001)(11)1
"pickled peppers"~`p ≡ 011111110100111

though it's useful to compare if two lists are equal, so there is also Matches and Not Matches

"cat"≡"cow" ≡ 0
"cat"≡"cat" ≡ 1

we've seen that characters are not a separate type, and they are just their codepoints. subtracting an ascii lowercase letter by 32 makes it uppercase, so we can make a word uppercase by:

"screaming"-:32 ≡ "SCREAMING"

though there's also another function for this, Ç Uppercase, and it leaves punctuation unchanged:

"words words"Ç ≡ "WORDS WORDS"

an element in a list can be indexed with α@β Index, where indices start with 0:

2468@2 ≡ 6
2468@0 ≡ 2
2468@ ≡ 2 ' monadic @ is First
(123)(456)(789)@2 ≡ 789
(123)(456)(789)@21 ≡ 8

α,β Concatenates lists:

123,456 ≡ 123456
1,234 ≡ 1234
(12)(34),56 ≡ (12)(34)56

and α♫β creates a Pair:

123♫456 ≡ (123)(456)

α↕ Iota returns all the integers from 0 up to α:

5↕ ≡ 01234

if you want something more familiar, try α↨ Inclusive Iota:

5↨ ≡ 12345

all lists have a fill, usually None. you can think of the fill as a dummy element for the elements outside of its domain. when you index out of range, you will get the fill:

123@3 ≡ ■

the default fill is None. you can specify the fill of a list α▐β Set Fill, and query it with α▐ Get Fill.

123▐0@3 ≡ 0
123▐ ≡ ■
123▐0▐ ≡ 0

α↑β Take takes the first β items, and α♂β Drop returns everything but the first β items:

"javascript"↑4 ≡ "java"
"javascript"♂4 ≡ "script"

Take Right and Drop Right use the last items instead:

"file.txt"↓4 ≡ ".txt"
"file.txt"♀4 ≡ "file"

these use the fill when the list runs out:

"js"▐` ↑5 ≡ "js   "
"js"▐` ↓5 ≡ "   js"

but α¶β Reshape starts taking from the start when it runs out of items:

123¶9 ≡ 123123123
"sal"¶5 ≡ "salsa"

, and with a list as a right argument can reshape, or create a nested list with those dimensions:

0123456789↑33 ≡ (012)(345)(678)
0123456789↓33 ≡ (123)(456)(789)
1234¶43 ≡ (123)(412)(341)(234)


adverbs are a syntax for functions that take other functions. take one of the most basic: Selfie ┴G takes a function G and returns a function that applies G with the same argument used twice:

123┴+ ≡ 246
123┴* ≡ 149
"bee"┴, ≡ "beebee"
"bee"┴♫ ≡ "bee""bee"

and if Swap ┴G is called with two arguments, it returns a functions that applies G with its arguments flipped:

6┴-2 ≡ _4
4┴/1 ≡ 1/4  ' reciprocal

there are two types of adverbs. 1-adverbs, like ┴G Selfie/Swap, take one operand after them, and the whole acts as a verb. 2-adverbs, like F║G Over, take two operands at both sides. Over applies G to each argument, and then F:

4²║+5 ≡ 4²+(5²)
4²║▲ ≡ 4²▲

adverb precedence is right-to-left.

4┴²║-5 ≡ 5²-(4²)

additionally, 1-adverbs can be used before 2-adverbs, and this applies them to the left operand:

4*┴║-5 ≡ 4(┴*)║-5
4*┴║-5 ≡ 4*4-(5*5)

the built-in adverbs are all box-drawing symbols (though not all box-drawing symbols are adverbs). 1-adverbs have a single vertical line and 2-adverbs have a double vertical lines:

1-adverbs: ╪┼┴┬╧╤╕╒╛╘┐┌
2-adverbs: ╬╫╨╥╩╦╖╓╜╙╗╔║

these adverbs have a variety of uses. some of them are Combinators, like the ones that we've just seen, and they apply the operands in various ways. some are more interesting, though.


vemf automatically vectorises, so often explicit loops are usually not necessary. however, some adverbs can be used to explicitly iterate in a certain way

α╕G Each applies G to every item in α:

(123)(45)(6789)"aaaaaa"╕~ ≡ 3246

α╕Gβ Each (dyadic) pairs the items up and applies G to each pair:

123╕,456 ≡ (14)(25)(36)

α╛Gβ Each Left and α╘Gβ Each Right iterate through one argument, while passing the other argument:

123╛,456 ≡ (1456)(2456)(3456)
123╘,456 ≡ (1234)(1235)(1236)

using both Each Left and Each Right we get something similar to APL's outer product, or a cartesian product:

123╘╛,456 ≡ ((14)(24)(34))((15)(25)(35))((16)(26)(36))
123╛╘,456 ≡ ((14)(15)(16))((24)(25)(26))((34)(35)(36))

α╧G Reduce is like applying G between every element in α, progressively building up a value:

2345╧+ ≡ 2+3+4+5

this is similar to the monadic use of addition, α+ Sum. in fact, * , & | ñ Ñ all act the same way: the monad is the reduction of the dyad.

α╤G Scan gives the intermediate results of the reduction:

2345╤+ ≡ (2)(2+3)(2+3+4)(2+3+4+5)
00100010011020╤+ ≡ 00111122234466

αF╨G Power calls G, αF times

14╨┴♫ ≡ ( ((11)(11)) ((11)(11)) )( ((11)(11)) ((11)(11)) )

(note that 14 is not a strand, 4 is an operand of the 2-adverb, and 1 is an argument)

αF╩G Until calls G until αF returns not 0.


combinators call their operands in different ways. they are one of the main ways functions are defined; combinators are the "glue" that joins different functions.

vemf has a lot of different combinators! here's a summary, using + / * as examples:

atop      +/ : α+/    , α+β/
swap      ┴/ : α/α    , β/α
atleft   +╜/ : α+/    , α+/β
atright  +╙/ : α/     , α/(β+)
over     +║/ : α+/    , α+/(β+)
onleft   +╖/ : α+/α   , α+β/β
onright  +╓/ : α/(α+) , α/(α+β)
fork    └+/* : α+/(α*), α+β/(α*β)

there is also a ""3-adverb"" of sorts, the └FGH Fork. it works a little differently, it is a prefix rather than an infix, and is ocassionally useful. for instance, the average (mean) of a list is the sum divided by the length:

12345└+/~ ≡ 3

the formula for triangular numbers is n(n+1)/2. we can do the first part as a fork:

6└◄*▲ ≡ :42

this is the same as

6◄*(6▲) ≡ :42

here, is the identity function or Left, that always returns the left argument. there is also a Right, that returns the right argument.

6◄3 ≡ 6
6►3 ≡ 3
6*(6▲) ≡ :42

and then we can do the halving with ½ Half:

6└◄*▲½ ≡ :21

as a general rule of thumb, when there is a or in a fork, it can be represented with one of the other combinators. here we can use αF╓G On Right, which evaluates to αG(αF)

6▲╓*½ ≡ :21

here is another way of representing all the combinators that i can test automatically

♫,;`(,`)→F ♫,;`[,`]→G ♫,;`{,`}→H ≡ ■
(`a┴G)   (`a┴G`b)    ≡ "[aa]"    "[ba]"
(`aF╜G)  (`aF╜G`b)   ≡ "[(a)]"   "[(a)b]"
(`aF╙G)  (`aF╙G`b)   ≡ "[a]"     "[a(b)]"
(`aF╖G)  (`aF╖G`b)   ≡ "[(a)a]"  "[(ab)b]"
(`aF╓G)  (`aF╓G`b)   ≡ "[a(a)]"  "[a(ab)]"
(`aF║G)  (`aF║G`b)   ≡ "[(a)]"   "[(a)(b)]"
(`a└FGH) (`a└FGH`b)  ≡ "[(a){a}]""[(ab){ab}]"
(`aF╜H╙G)(`aF╜H╙G`b) ≡ "[(a)]"   "[(a){b}]"


i will now introduce some terminology. functions, lists and numbers are types of values. in a program, these types can all be used as either nouns or verbs (what we've been calling "values" and "functions" up to now). a function may be used as a noun, and a verb may be used as a function.

a noun can become a verb if you enclose it in parentheses. this way, you can pass functions to other functions. α$β Calls α with the pair of arguments β:

(*)$35 ≡ :15

with built-in functions, you can also use a dot . before the name:

.*$35 ≡ :15

you can also have functions in lists:

.+.-.*./@3$62 ≡ 3

indexing a function calls it monadically with the index,

.-@3 ≡ _3

and some list functions, like Take, use this to treat functions as infinite lists:

.◄↑4 ≡ 0123
.-↑33 ≡ (0_1_2)(_3_4_5)(_6_7_8)
.+~ ≡ ∞

characters from a to z are variables, which are given somewhat-convenient default values.

abcdefghij ≡ :12:20:99:100:999:1000:10000:100000:1000000:10000000
klmnopqrst ≡ :15:16:31:32:63:64:127:128:255:256
uvwxyz     ≡ :512:1024:32768:65536:16777216:2147483648
f+n ≡ :1032

variables can be set with →name and retrieved as a noun with .name. the dot is not necessary for variables a to z.

:35/7→f 1/f ≡ :0.2
:35/7→five 1/.five ≡ :0.2

built-in verbs are also variables, and that's why you can get them with a dot. . is the noun variable prefix, and : is the verb variable prefix:

4:*3 ≡ :12

that was useless. but this means you can assign functions and use them as verbs!

*→mult 4:mult3 ≡ :12
└+/~→avg 234:avg ≡ 3

A to Z don't need the colon:

*→M 4M3 ≡ :12
└+/~→V 234:avg ≡ 3

calling a number or a list as a verb just makes it return itself:

:35/7→f 4:f ≡ :5
:35/7→F 4F  ≡ :5

a name, or identifier, can be a sequence of lowercase letters (mul, six, things), an underscore followed by a character (, _1) or a single character (+, -). any other name can be used by using quotes: ."Name of variable"

x→name is a statement that sets x to the variable .name. statements are not quite like verbs; you will see more about statements in the Statements section.

there is another kind of assignment: ─name Set Function (that is a box drawing character, not a minus sign -). it is a verb that sets α to the variable and returns β or, if not given, α. this makes it flexible to define a variable and then use it.

4 ─four 1+2+.four ≡ 7  ' β is 1, return 1 after changing the variable
4 ─four +1+2      ≡ 7  ' β not given, return .four back

and for golfing purposes, the functions A..Z are set by default to ─a..─z, so you can set and get variables conveniently.

3+1X+x ≡ 8


we saw earlier that you can assign a verb to a variable with →name,

+→add 4:add5 ≡ 9

and you can use a verb as a noun by enclosing it in parentheses (or, in general, having it at the start of an expression)

(+)$12 ≡ 3

but by having more stuff inside the expression, we can modify the verb in certain ways:

a verb and a noun is called a Bind. it calls F with β as a right argument, ignoring whatever was passed to the right.

+1→inc 4:inc ≡ 5
(+1)@5 ≡ 6
*2→dup 4:dup ≡ 8
*2→dup 4:dup9 ≡ 8

(note that inc and dup are equivalent to α▲ Bump Up and α¼ Double)

+1→inc 4:inc ≡ 5
*2→dup 4:dup ≡ 8
*2→dup 4:dup9 ≡ 8

a verb and a verb FG is an Atop. it calls F with all arguments, and then calls G atop of that.

↨*→fact 6:fact ≡ :720
~↕→dom  "text":dom ≡ 0123
|¬→nor  0:nor1 ≡ 0

(note that fact, dom, nor are equivalent to α! Factorial (for natural α), α♣ Domain and αöβ Nor)

verb+verb+noun FGβ is a mix of the two: it calls F with both arguments, and then calls G atop of that using β as a right argument.

+/2→avg  4:avg8 ≡ 6
²*π→area 3:area ≡ 9*π

(note that π is pi, the number)

you can chain these, left-to-right

+1+2+3→f 5:f ≡ :11
~=0→empty φ:empty ≡ 1

we've been setting these trains to variables before using them. it won't work if you try to apply them directly with parentheses:


is a list with 5, the function +/2 (as a noun) and 9. you can turn a noun into a verb with Verbise :

5┘(+/2)9 ≡ 7
6┘(↨*) ≡ :720

but you never actually need to do this! an inlined train will always be shorter:

5+9/2 ≡ 7
6↨* ≡ :720

trains are also useful when used with adverbs:

' if length is 3, uppercase
"and""the""small""bee""wanted""to""fly"╕(~=3)╨Ç ≡ "AND""THE""small""BEE""wanted""to""FLY"

we can create a variable from the triangular number function from earlier with a train.

the ½ is applied atop the result of the fork, so as a single function this is an atop:

6▲╓*½ ≡ :21
6┘(▲╓*½) ≡ :21

note that we need the for it to be interpreted as a function.

we can set our function to a variable and use it.

▲╓*½→triang 6:triang ≡ :21

this way of defining functions, stringing other functions together with combinators— is an important part of vemf. you might hear it being called "tacit programming" or "point-free style". note how we never refer to our arguments by name. we can also define this function explicitly (see Statements):

{α*(α▲)½}→triang 6:triang ≡ :21
{α▲*α½}→triang 6:triang ≡ :21  ' multiplication is commutative

but the tacit form is simpler (and shorter, and somewhat faster).


i don't like parentheses. i don't like the fact that occasionally i have to use them to make things work. i don't like that precedence is a thing. but alas, this is not a stack language, and we ocassionally need to group things. but parentheses take up a lot of space, and something as simple as +2 gains two characters when used with an adverb (+2)╜/.

7 (+2)╜/ 3

precedence adjusting is annoying:

:42→a "I think ",(aª)," is a good number." ≡ "I think 42 is a good number."

nested list literals can also get unwieldy:


the solution is group characters. group characters act like parentheses, but instead of terminating when the closing parenthesis is found, how much will be grouped depends the character you use. here are all the groupers:

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
│ ├ ╞ ╟ ╠ ┤ ╡ ╢ ╣

their basic function is grouping a number of nouns and verbs (or words) together. the number next to them specifies how many will be grouped. the 2-grouper will group 2 words:

│01│23│45 ≡ (01)(23)(45)
│012││345│67 ≡ (01)2((34)5)(67)
├123│45╞6789 ≡ (123)(45)(6789)
:42→a "I think ",│aª," is a good number." ≡ "I think 42 is a good number."

there's a pattern to these: when they're pointing to the right the number of lines going out is the number of words grouped, and the symbols for 7, 8, 9, 10 groupers are flipped 3, 4, 5, 6 groupers.

we said that groupers are alternatives to parentheses. in an expression, there are a few places where it makes sense to stop the expression, or to place a closing parenthesis. for example, for the expression 1+2+3


are all expressions that make sense. if you represent the places where the parentheses can end with spaces: 1 + 2 + 3

all that groupers do is pick which space to close with:

│1+2+3 ≡ (1 +)2 + 3
├1+2+3 ≡ (1 + 2)+ 3
╞1+2+3 ≡ (1 + 2 +)3
╟1+2+3 ≡ (1 + 2 + 3)

groupers won't break into literals, parentheses, other groupers, or any other nested structure. 1+(2/3)-:3.14 is split like 1 + (2/3) - :3.14 ²:

│1+(2/3)-:3.14² ≡ (1 +)(2/3) - :3.14 ²
├1+(2/3)-:3.14² ≡ (1 + (2/3))- :3.14 ²
╞1+(2/3)-:3.14² ≡ (1 + (2/3) -):3.14 ²
╟1+(2/3)-:3.14² ≡ (1 + (2/3) - :3.14)²

a grouper can't break after an adverb, as adverbs always need a verb after them:

│a╒+b ≡ (a╒+)b
│a╕╕(♣♠)b ≡ (a╕╕(♣♠))b

but it can break before a 2-adverb! this is actually really useful to adjust adverb precedence, as doing (-╖!)║* is different to -╖!║*

a -╖!║*b ≡ a - ╖! ║* b
a│-╖!║*b ≡ a(- ╖!)║* b

groupers also can't break between the operands in a fork:

φ └+╛+╕+║- ≡ φ └+╛+╕+ ║-
φ┘└+╛+╕+║- ≡ φ(└+╛+╕+)║-

( Verbise is also a 1-grouper. this is occasionally useful)


there is a more explicit way of defining functions, and it looks more like lambda expressions you might be used to from other languages:

456{α+/(α~)} ≡ 5
345{β^(α♣♠)*α+}:10 ≡ :345

that thing inside braces is the function definition, and it uses special variables like α or β that are always defined inside dfns. the expression inside the braces will be evaluated and returned.

but there's more that you can do inside functions. dfns are composed of multiple statements, and the result of the last one is returned.

statements are delimited by statement separators like · Discard or Return. discard statements evaluate a value and discard it; return statements return a value from the function.

■{1·2·3◘4·5} ≡ 3

not very interesting. you have already seen one statement separator: →name assigns the body of the statement to the variable with that name. you can use this in longer pieces of code, to give names to values.

456{α+→avg α~→len .avg/.len} ≡ 5

functions create a lexical scope. this means variables you define inside of a function will not be accessible outside.

these become more useful when used with x?y Then (note that Then is not a function), which executes the following statement y if x is not 0. you can use these for ternary-operator-like things:

_5{α>0?α◘α-} ≡ 5

the left side of ? can take a function, and it will be called with the same arguments as the outer function:

_5{>0?α◘α-} ≡ 5

you can also use statements in Blocks, that work like functions that are immediately evaluated. this can be useful for conditions:

[1+1=2?"good"◘"bad"] ≡ "good"

or for doing multiple things if a condition holds. blocks don't create their own scope, so:

6{α→a 4→b a>b?[a-b→a 0→b]· ab} ≡ 20


The Codepage

here is the vemf codepage. if you are reading in a browser, you might be seeing this at the left of your screen.

   | 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
x0 | ¤☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓←→∟↔▲▼
x2 |  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?
x6 | `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~⌂
x8 | ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥₧ƒ
xA | áíóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐
xC | └┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀
xE | αβΓπΣσμτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°¨·√ⁿ²■⎕

this is based on the CP-437 codepage. this is the codepage used in the very first IBM PCs! note that

these are all of the symbols available to vemf programs. vemf files can be encoded in Unicode (UTF-8) or the vemf codepage byte-by-byte.

some confusable characters are translated to the codepage:

if a character is not in the codepage or in this list, it will be implicitly converted into a Unicode Escape.


a vemf file is a list of statements that are executed in order. there are only a few ways a vemf program can contact with the outside world

the command line arguments are available as δ Arguments. as a shorthand, α Alpha and β Beta are set to the first argument and second argument respectively, and Σ Arity is the number of arguments. arguments are always Unicode strings.

the return value of the program (either from a Return in the top scope or the last statement in the program) is, by default, formatted and printed automatically. the formatting is the same as ⁿ0 (see Format):

there are also input and output streams. there can be any number, but the cli uses input stream 0 for stdin, output stream 0 for stdout, and output stream 1 for stderr. Print and Print Line always print text to output stream 0.

the streams are byte streams, and the functions Ö Write and Ü Read convert to/from UTF-8. you may use Write Bytes and Read Bytes to manipulate the byte streams directly, or Ω All Input to read it all at once.

you also have access to a global random number generator (see á Pick, â Sample, å Choice), the current time (τ Current Timestamp) and timezone (_☼ Local Calendar)

(0x01, 'pr) verb

α☺ Print

print α to standard output

"Hello, "☺·"World!◙"☺

see also: Print Line

α☺β Print

print α to standard output, and return β

"Hello, "☺"World!◙"☺

(0x02, '# 'pl) verb

α☻ Print Line

print α to standard output, with a training newline (0x0A)

"Hello, World!"☻

see also: Print, Write

α☻β Print Line

print α and return β

"Calculating the square root of two..."☻2√ ≡ :1.4142135623730951

α_☻α_☻β Print Formatted

prints αⁿ or αⁿβ and returns α unchanged. useful when debugging trains. equivalent to ⁿ╖☻

(0x03, 'cx) verb

α♥ Pairs

split α into pairs, using the fill of α if a pair isn't full. equivalent to ♥2

123456789♥ ≡ (12)(34)(56)(78)(9■)
123456789▐1♥ ≡ (12)(34)(56)(78)(91)
"things"♥ ≡ "th""in""gs"

α♥β Chunks

split α into β-sized chunks, using the fill of α if a group isn't full. for scalar β, this is the same as α↑■β (see Take):

123456789♥3 ≡ (123)(456)(789)
123456789♥4 ≡ (1234)(5678)(9■■■)
123456789▐0♥4 ≡ (1234)(5678)(9000)

if β is a list, α♥β reshapes into groups of β* and reshapes them. equivalent to α↑(■,β)

123456789♥22 ≡ (│12│34)(│56│78)(│9■│■■)
"chunk brick block"▐` ♥23 ≡ ("chu""nk ")("bri""ck ")("blo""ck ")

(0x04, 'T) verb

α♦ Transpose

transpose a nested list. the shape will be the minimum of the lengths of the elements, or ╕~ñ;

(123)(456)(789)♦ ≡ (147)(258)(369)
("one""two")("three""four")♦ ≡ ("one""three")("two""four")

if the list's depth is not two, it will be enclosed until it is. this means that Transpose will double-enclose a single scalar, and enclose each element of a string.

`t♦ ≡ ♪"t"
"bee"♦ ≡ "b""e""e"

(0x05, 'dm) verb

α♣ Domain

get the domain of a list α, or list of indices. same as ~↕.

1234♣ ≡ 0123
φ♣ ≡ φ
(123)(456)(789)♣ ≡ 012

α♣β Domain To

get the indices of the elements of a list α, up to a specified depth β.

(123)(456)(789)♣1 ≡ ♪0♪1♪2
(123)(456)(789)♣2 ≡ │00│01│02│10│11│12│20│21│22

for rectangular arrays, this is similar to α▬β↕. but if the elements have different lengths or depths, this will be reflected in the result:

"yes""no""maybe"♣2 ≡ │00│01│02│10│11│20│21│22│23│24
323"to"(├100├010├001)♣2 ≡ ♪0♪1♪2 │30│31 │40│41│42
323"to"(├100├010├001)♣3 ≡ ♪0♪1♪2 │30│31 ├400├401├402├410├411├412├420├421├422

if β=∞, this basically returns the indices of all the scalars. this can be a good representation of the shape of an array

323"to"(├100├010├001)♣∞ ≡ ♪0♪1♪2 │30│31 ├400├401├402├410├411├412├420├421├422
1(2(3(4(5■))))♣∞ ≡ ♪0(10)(110)(1110)(11110)(11111)

(0x06, 'R) verb

α♠ Reverse

reverse a list. preserves fill.

1234♠ ≡ 4321
1234▐0♠ ≡ 4321▐0
φ♠ ≡ φ
(123)(456)(789)♠ ≡ (789)(456)(123)

(0x07, '.) grammar

•name 1-Adverb

the variable name with 1-adverb role

{{αβσμ}}→d 1•d23 ≡ 1 3 2 ■

see also: 2-Adverb

(0x08, 'O) statement

x◘ Return

returns x, breaking out of the enclosing function

0{4·5◘6} ≡ 5

see also: Discard, Then

(0x09, ',) grammar

○name 2-Adverb

the variable name with 2-adverb role

{{αβσμ}}→d12○d34 ≡ 1 4 3 2

see also: 1-Adverb

(0x0A) whitespace



(0x0B, 'E) verb

α♂β Drop

return the list α, with β elements removed from the left. β-pervasive. if β is negative, β¢ elements are removed from the right instead (see Drop Right). if β is equal or greater than the length, all elements are removed; an empty list is returned.

"testing"♂3 ≡ "ting"
"testing"♂_3 ≡ "test"
"testing"♂9 ≡ φ

see also: Take

α♂ Behead

drop 1 element from the left

"testing"♂ ≡ "esting"

see also: First

(0x0C, 'D) verb

α♀β Drop Right

returns the list α, with β elements removed from the right. β-pervasive. if β is negative, β¢ elements are removed from the left instead (see Drop Left). if β is equal or greater than the length, all elements are removed; an empty list is returned.

"testing"♀3 ≡ "test"
"testing"♀_3 ≡ "ting"
"testing"♀9 ≡ φ

see also: Take Right

α♀ Curtail

drop 1 element from the right

"testing"♀ ≡ "testin"

see also: Last

(0x0D, ':) literal

♪a Enclosed

for a noun a, literal for a list with the one argument. same as (a♫)

♪F Nominalise

for a verb F, interpret it as a noun

(0x0E, ';) verb

α♫ Enlist

α is enclosed into a single-element list. this is equivalent to {♪α}

1♫ ≡ ♪1
1♫♫♫ ≡ ♪♪♪1

α♫β Pair

create a list with the elements α and β. this is equivalent to {αβ}. for scalar arguments, this is the same as Concatenate.

1♫2 ≡ 12
1♫2♫3♫4 ≡ ((12)3)4
12♫34 ≡ (12)(34)

(0x0F, 'sn) verb

α☼ UTC Calendar

interpret α as a UNIX timestamp (in seconds, possibly fractional), like those returned from τ Current Timestamp, as a date and time in the proleptic Gregorian calendar in UTC. returns a list with the following numbers: year, month (1-12), day (1-31), hour, minute, second, microseconds. pervasive in α.

0☼     ≡ :1970:1:1:0:0:0:0    ' UNIX epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000Z (arbitrary, standard)
Φ^9☼   ≡ :2001:9:9:1:46:40:0  ' UNIX billenium: 2001-09-09 01:46:40.000000Z (a few nerds celebrated)
2^:31☼ ≡ :2038:1:19:3:14:8:0  ' i32 rollover time: 2038-01-19 3:14:08.000000Z (stuff will break)

α☼β UTC Calendar

return one field from the date and time in the UNIX timestamp α in UTC according to the number in β. pervasive.

β can have any of these values:

therefore, α☼(7↕) is the same as α☼.

0☼7 ≡ 3  ' New Year's Day 1970 was a Thursday

α_☼ Local Calendar

interpret a UNIX timestamp, like those returned from τ Current Timestamp, as a date and time in the proleptic Gregorian calendar in local time. UTC might be used if there is no local timezone known. returns a list in the same format as UTC Calendar

2^:31_☼ ?≡ :2038:1:19:4:14:8:0  ' oh no! it's one hour ahead! in my machine, anyway.

α_☼β Local Calendar

return one field from the date and time in the UNIX timestamp α in local time according to the number in β. pervasive.

2^:31_☼Θ ?≡ 3600  ' aha! that's why

(0x10, 'H) verb

return β

1►2 ≡ 2

α► Left

return α

1► ≡ 1

(0x11, 'G) verb

α◄β Left

return α

1◄2 ≡ 1

α◄ Left

return α

1◄ ≡ 1

(0x12, 'I) verb

α↕ Iota

when α is a scalar, the output is the range of natural numbers [0, α); starting at 0, excluding α (see Inclusive Iota).

5↕ ≡ 01234
Φ↕ ≡ 0123456789

therefore, l~↕ is a list of the indices of the list l (vemf is 0-indexed), and

"list"→l l~↕¡l ≡ l

this can also be found as Domain

a negative argument flips the output:

Φ-↕ ≡ 9876543210
"list"→l l~-↕¡l ≡ "tsil"

when the argument is a list of scalars, the result will be a nested list that contains the indices of an array of that shape

34↕ ≡ │00│01│02│03│10│11│12│13│20│21│22│23
123↕ ≡ ├000├001├002├010├011├012
♪5↕ ≡ 5↕╕♫
15↕ ≡ 5↕╕;0
0123↕ ≡ φ
φ↕ ≡ ♪φ

α↕β Range

the range is [α, β)

2↕6 ≡ 2345

(0x13, '!) verb

α‼β Replicate

it pairs up the elements of α and β, and returns a new list where each element in α is repeated by the corresponding number in β. this can be used as a filter if the elements of β are 0 or 1:

12345678‼10101010 ≡ 1357
12345678‼110203 ≡ 1244666
"misisipi"‼11212121 ≡ "mississippi"

replicate also works with scalars and infinite lists

12345678‼2 ≡ 1122334455667788
"cake"‼3 ≡ "cccaaakkkeee"
"abcdef"‼.► ≡ "bccdddeeeefffff"

if β is longer than α, remaining elements are ignored; if α is longer than β, β's fill is used for the remaining elements

"abcdef"‼10101 ≡ "ace"
"abcdef"‼(10101▐1) ≡ "acef"
"abcdef"‼0101010101 ≡ "bdf"

α's fill is kept for the resulting list. negative elements in β indicate that the fill element will be duplicated instead

12345‼12_34 ≡ 122■■■4444
12345▐0‼12_34 ≡ 1220004444▐0

Replicate also works with nested lists in β, and it flattens the structure:

(123)(456)7‼(123)(210)3 ≡ 122333445777

α‼ Indices

replicate the Domain of α (♣╖‼). for a boolean list α, this finds the indices of the ones.

011010110010‼ ≡ 12467:10
10203401‼ ≡ 02244455557

(0x14, '$) verb

α¶ Ravel

Ravel flattens all nested lists in α, yielding a list of all the scalars:

((01)23)(45(67))(8♪9)¶ ≡ Φ↕
♪♪♪♪123¶ ≡ 123

see also: Flatten

α¶β Reshape

make a new list with a prefix shape of β, where the elements are taken from α in order. it truncates if α is longer than the elements needed (β*), and repeats cyclically through the list if α is shorter

6↕¶55 ≡ (01234)(50123)(45012)(34501)(23450)
:15↕¶33 ≡ (012)(345)(678)
:9↕¶33 ≡ (012)(345)(678)
:24↕¶234 ≡ ( (:0:1:2:3)(:4:5:6:7)(:8:9:10:11) )( (:12:13:14:15)(:16:17:18:19)(:20:21:22:23) )
.►¶33 ≡ (012)(345)(678)
"testing"¶:21 ≡ "testingtestingtesting"

Take is similar to Reshape, but it does not repeat elements, using the fill instead.

when there is a single None in β, it will be computed in order to fit all the elements (the ceiling division of the product of the non-None elements of β and the length of α, or β▀*/(α~)⌠)

"testing"¶2■ ≡ "test""ingt"
"testing"¶■2 ≡ "te""st""in""gt"

see also: Take, Take Right, Cycle

§ (0x15, 'ss) verb

α§ Cycle

return α repeated infinitely as an infinite list. more precisely, it returns a function that, given an argument x, returns the element of α at index x % (α~)

4↕§┴¡0123456789 ≡ 0123012301
4↕§@_1 ≡ 3

α§β Repeat

repeat the list α, β times. right-pervasive.

"testing"§3 ≡ "testingtestingtesting"
6§3 ≡ 666

(0x16, 'M 'sh) verb

α▬ Shape

get the shape of α, that is, the maximum length for each dimension. the output will be a list with fill 1. note that this requires iterating through the whole structure of a nested list, which could be inefficient.

1▬ ≡ φ▐1
123▬ ≡ ♪3▐1
((01)23)(45(67)7)(8♪9)▬ ≡ 342▐1
♪♪♪♪123▬ ≡ 31111▐1
♪♪♪♪(123)▬ ≡ 11113▐1
(123)(456)(789)▬ ≡ 33▐1
(1234)(5678)(9012)▬ ≡ 34▐1
(123)(5678)(90)▬ ≡ 34▐1

see also: Length, Depth

α▬β Shape Up To

get only up to a specified depth, without fill.

(1234)((56)(78))(90)▬  ≡ 342▐1
(1234)((56)(78))(90)▬4 ≡ 342
(1234)((56)(78))(90)▬3 ≡ 342
(1234)((56)(78))(90)▬2 ≡ 34
(1234)((56)(78))(90)▬1 ≡ ♪3
(1234)((56)(78))(90)▬0 ≡ φ  ' useless

(0x17, 'J) verb

α↨ Inclusive Iota

when α is a scalar, the output is the range of natural numbers [1, α]; starting at 1, including α.

5↨ ≡ 12345
Φ↨ ≡ 123456789Φ

this is really just Iota with every item incremented by 1, or ↕▲.

the extensions that Iota has, like negative numbers and lists, will also work with Inclusive Iota:

Φ-↨ ≡ Φ987654321
34↨ ≡ │11│12│13│14│21│22│23│24│31│32│33│34
123↨ ≡ ├111├112├113├121├122├123

α↨β Inclusive Range

the range used is [α, β]. note that this means the resulting array is of length β-α+1.

2↨8 ≡ 2345678

(0x18, 'W) verb

α↑β Take

make a new list with a prefix shape of β, where the elements are taken from α in order. this truncates if α is longer than the elements needed (β*), and uses the fill of α if α is shorter.

9↕↑55 ≡ (01234)(5678■)(■■■■■)(■■■■■)(■■■■■)
:99↕↑33 ≡ (012)(345)(678)
.►↑33 ≡ (012)(345)(678)
"testing"▐` ↑:21 ≡ "testing              "
"testing"↑3 ≡ "tes"

Reshape is similar, but it cycles through the array instead of using the fill.

when there is a single None in β, it will be computed in order to fit all the elements (the ceiling division of the product of the non-None elements of β and the length of α, or β▀*/(α~)⌠)

"testing"▐`_↑2■ ≡ "test""ing_"
"testing"▐`_↑■2 ≡ "te""st""in""g_"
"testing"▐`_↑■3 ≡ "tes""tin""g__"

these last cases can be replaced by Chunks or Pairs:

"testing"▐`_♥3 ≡ "tes""tin""g__"
"testing"▐`_♥ ≡ "te""st""in""g_"

see also: Reshape, Take Right, Drop

α↑ Prefixes

get the prefixes of the list α; take for every item in β♣▲ (without the empty list, but with the unmodified argument: you can remove it with Behead.)

"testing"↑ ≡ "t" "te" "tes" "test" "testi" "testin" "testing"

see also: Suffixes

(0x19, 'S) verb

α↓β Take Right

make a new list with a prefix shape of β, where the elements are taken from α in reverse order. this truncates if α is longer than the elements needed (β*), and uses the fill of α if α is shorter.

9↕↓55 ≡ (■■■■■)(■■■■■)(■■■■■)(■0123)(45678)
9↕↓23 ≡ (345)(678)

when there is a single None in β, it will be computed in order to fit all the elements (the ceiling division of the product of the non-None elements of β and the length of α, or β▀*/(α~)⌠)

"testing"↓3 ≡ "ing"
"testing"▐` ↓:21 ≡ "              testing"
"testing"▐`_↓2■ ≡ "_tes""ting"
"testing"▐`_↓■2 ≡ "_t""es""ti""ng"

see also: Take, Reshape

α↓ Suffixes

get the suffixes of the list α; take for every item in β♣▲ (without the empty list, but with the unmodified argument: you can remove it with Curtail.)

"testing"↓ ≡ "g" "ng" "ing" "ting" "sting" "esting" "testing"

see also: Prefixes

(0x1A, 'vr) verb

α← Get Variable

get the variable with name α

"_a"← ≡ :12
`æ→ash "ash"← ≡ `æ

α←β Set Variable

set a new local variable with name α to β

"ampersand"←`ñ·.ampersand ≡ `ñ

(0x1B, '^) statement

x→name Set

sets a variable to x in the local scope.

2→two .two+.two ≡ 4

if there is nothing in the statement body, the variable will be removed from the local scope.

4→a0{5→a →a a} ≡ 4

this is a statement, so verbs can be set conveniently:

+2→add 3:add ≡ 5

see also: Set Function

(0x1C, 'L) verb

α∟ Natural Logarithm

get the natural logarithm of α. scalar.

2∟^ ≡ 2
1∟ ≡ 0
2∟ ≡ :0.6931471805599453

α∟β Logarithm

get the logarithm base β of α. scalar.

:1000∟Φ ± 3
Φ√∟Φ ≡ 2/

(0x1D, '*) grammar

x↔name Mutate

mutate a variable in any scope, by applying a function to it monadically.

:21→n *3↔n n ≡ :63

this is a statement, so the verb starts where the previous statement ends. this might not work like you might expect it to:

3N 4M *2↔n n ≡ 8

because the body of the statement includes Set Functions, which are syntactically verbs:

(3N4M*2)↔n n ≡ 8    ' 3─n4─m*2 returns 8
3→n 4→m *2↔n n ≡ 6  ' but this works

if there is nothing in the statement body, the variable will be removed from its scope.

3→n 4→m *2↔n n ≡ 6
4→a0{↔a}·a ≡ ■

see also: Mutate Function

(0x1E, 'bu) verb

α▲ Bump Up

increments the number by 1. equivalent to +1. scalar.

2▲ ≡ 3
0▲▲▲▲▲▲ ≡ 6
123▲ ≡ 234

see also: Bump Down, Add

α▲β Bins Up

run a binary search. when α is a list sorted in ascending order, it finds the position of the first element in α that is less than or equal to β. you can also think of the list α as intervals of shape [x, y)

0259▲6 ≡ 3
0259▲Θ0123456789Φ ≡ 011222333344
"Sample text was first invented in 1894 by James Sample."┴▲"0:" ≡ 2222220222202220222220222222220220111102202222202222220

this also works for infinite lists, although not as efficiently:

(↨+)▲:25 ≡ 7  ' 7↨+ ≡ 21

see also: Bins Down

(0x1F, 'bd) verb

α▼ Bump Down

decrements the number by 1. equivalent to -1. scalar.

3▼ ≡ 2
0▼▼▼▼▼▼ ≡ _6
123▼ ≡ 012

see also: Bump Up, Subtract

α▼β Bins Down

run a binary search. when α is a list sorted in descending order, it finds the position of the first element in α that is greater than or equal to β.

:18:13:8▼:20 ≡ 0
:18:13:8▼:18 ≡ 0
:18:13:8▼:17 ≡ 1
:18:13:8▼:15 ≡ 1
:18:13:8▼:12 ≡ 2
:18:13:8▼:2 ≡ 3

this also works for infinite lists, although not as efficiently:

(▲/)▼:0.08 ≡ :12  ' :12▲/0.07692307692307693

see also: Bins Up

(0x20) whitespace


whitespace. may change the parsing of some tokens:

¨things  ≡ "things"
¨thing s ≡ "thing"s
:2022  ≡ (:2022)
:202 2 ≡ (:202)(2)

! (0x21) verb

α! Factorial

get the factorial of α. this is extended to reals with the Gamma function, Γ(α + 1). scalar.

0! ≡ 1
1! ≡ 1
3! ≡ 6
4! ≡ :24
5! ≡ :120
7! ≡ :5040
Φ! ≡ :3628800
:-0.5! ± π√

α!β Permute

number of β-permutations in α items. also known as the falling factorial, descending factorial, pochhammer symbol, or the nPr key in your calculator. equivalent to -╓!║/ or {α!/(α-β!)}. scalar.

1!1 ≡ 1
3!2 ≡ :6
4!3 ≡ :24
8!3 ≡ :336

" (0x22) literal

"abcd" Quotes

string literal; every character until the next " will be put into a list with None fill

"" ≡ φ
"a" ≡ ♪`a
"abc" ≡ `a`b`c

this uses the codepage codepoints:

"☺☻♥♦" ≡ 1234

with some special characters used specially: ¨ stands for " (0x22) and · stands for ' (0x27). ' may be used for escaping these:

"he said ¨hi¨"   ≡ "he said ",`","hi",`"
"umlaut ─ '¨ ← diaeresis" ≡ "umlaut ─ ",`¨," ← diaeresis"

# (0x23) verb

α# First True

find the first non-0 value and return its index, or else None. equivalent to ⌐#1

10101010# ≡ 0
0001010# ≡ 3
00002010# ≡ 4
0000000# ≡ ■

α#β Index Of

find the first exact match in the list and return its index, or else None. β-pervasive.

"hello"#`l ≡ 2
"abcdefghijklmnopqrs"#"beeimpostor" ≡ :1:4:4:8:12:15:14:18■:14:17
012073167140#0123456789 ≡ 0125Φ■74■■

also works if α is an infinite list, though here it cannot return None

(√)#5 ≡ :25

$ (0x24) verb

α$ Call with None

calls the function α with None as an argument

.♫$ ≡ ♪■

α$β Call

calls the function α with β@0 and β@1 (only if β~ ≥ 2) as arguments.

.+$23 ≡ 5
.+$234 ≡ 5
.-$2 ≡ _2
.♫$24 ≡ 24

% (0x25) verb

α% Power of Two

calculate 2 to the power of α. equivalent to ┴^2. scalar.

0% ≡ 1
4% ≡ :16
:32% ≡ :4294967296

α%β Modulo

returns the modulo of α divided by β, also known as the remaider. scalar.

7%5 ≡ 2
2%5 ≡ 2
_3%5 ≡ 2
4%0 ≡ ■
:20↕%3 ≡ 0120120120 1201201201
:20↕-9└÷♫%3≡(_3_3_3_2_2_2ΘΘΘ00011122233)(01201201201201201201) ≡ 1

this is euclidean modulo; it always gives a positive result such that β*(a÷β) + (α%β) ≡ α.

1%2 ≡ 1
1%_2 ≡ 1
_1%2 ≡ 1
_1%_2 ≡ 1

& (0x26) verb

α&β And

compute boolean AND of α and β. return 1 if both α and β are nonzero, otherwise 0. scalar.

0&0 ≡ 0
0&1 ≡ 0
1&0 ≡ 0
1&1 ≡ 1
2&2 ≡ 1

see also: Or, Maximum

α& All

return 1 if all the items in α are non-zero. equivalent to ╧&1

0110101010& ≡ 0
1111111111& ≡ 1
1273981913& ≡ 1

for an empty list, this is always 1:

φ& ≡ 1

see also: And, Any

' (0x27) literal

' abc Line Comment

all of the characters until the next line break will be ignored.

'A,'ab Escape

escapes are one way to write characters outside the ascii range (characters in the range 0x20 to 0x7E ~, the ones that you almost certainly have in your keyboard). you will see the escapes in the documentation of each character.

there are more non-ascii characters than ascii characters in the codepage (256 − 95 = 161), so some characters need two character escape sequences. these start with a lowercase letter [a, z].

the characters with single character escape sequences are the following:


'[ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉ]ab Unicode Escape

Unicode Escapes are vemf's wacky way of allowing unicode text in source code while still using the vemf codepage internally.

the first character can be any of "ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉ" (or 0x80-0x91), and it specifies the bits 16-21 of the unicode codepoint, or the plane number (plus 128). the next two bytes encode the other two bytes of the codepoint.

though currently only planes 0, 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16 (ÇüéâÄÅÉ) are used, the whole range of unicode characters up to U+10FFFF is supported, except for the UTF-16 surrogates U+D800-U+DFFF.

for example, to encode the emoji 🐈, with codepoint U+1F408, use the characters 0x81 0xF4 0x08 or 'ü⌠◘:

"'ü⌠◘" ≡ "🐈"

most characters you care about are in the plane 0, or the Basic Multilingual Plane. they will always start with .

"'Ǥ«" ≡ "®" ' U+00AE REGISTERED SIGN
"'Ç"`" ≡ "≠" ' U+2260 NOT EQUAL TO
"'é¤!" ≡ "𠀡" ' U+20021 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-20021
"'â►l" ≡ "𱁬" ' U+3106C CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-3106C

escaping characters that are in the vemf codepage correspond to just the characters:


unicode characters outside of literals can be verbs, adverbs or nouns depending on the character. see more details in the source.

√3→∛ :64∛ ± 4

'[│├╞╟╠┤╡]☺☻♥♦ Integer Literal

a convenient literal syntax for large integers by specifying their bytes. integer literals are length-prefixed: after the there will be a grouper character from 2 () to 8 () that specifies the number of bytes of the integer. Short Literals and Long Literals are equivalent to '│ and '├ respectively.

an example: '├☻♥♦ is the number 131844. after the quote there is a , so it will read three bytes. those bytes are , which means the output will be 0x020304, or 2*256^2 + 3*256 + 4, or 131844.

'├☻♥♦ ≡ :131844
'├☻♥♦ ≡ 2*(:256^2) + (3*:256) + 4

can also be used here:

▒☻♥♦ ≡ :131844

let's represent the number 123456789. we can either use the Base Encode function, reversed:

:123456789é:256♠ ≡ :7:91:205:21▐0

alternatively, get the raw Bits of the number, reverse them, partition them into Chunks of 8 bits, and Decode Binary them:

:123456789é♥8╕è♠ ≡ :0:0:0:0:7:91:205:21

we can represent the bytes as a codepage string (see Format):


if we try it out,

'╞•[═§ ≡ :123456789

byte literals support negative numbers as well, using the two's complement when the first byte is over 127. ░²² is not 253*256 + 253 or 64009, it's 65536 - 64009 or −515.

░²² ≡ :-515

integers in vemf are represented with signed two's-complement integers, so this is the same as making all the other bytes 0xFF.

░²²é♥8╕è ≡ :253:253:255:255:255:255:255:255

integer literals are mostly useful when using large numbers. if your number happens to be a vemf constant or has a trivial computation, use that instead.

see also: Short Literal, Long Literal, Character Literal, Digraph Literal

( (0x28) grammar

(x) Opening Parenthesis

groups multiple words in a single noun. often used to change verb or adverb precedence,

1+2*3 ≡ 9
1+(2*3) ≡ 7

or to group elements in a strand or train,

(123)(456)(789)@0 ≡ 123
001334(û¬)╓‼ ≡ 0134

often, you won't need to close a parenthesis, like in the end of a file or a statement

1+(2*3→seven .seven*2 ≡ :14

parentheses can be thought of having less precedence than braces {}

:15{"number ",(αª} ≡ "number 15"

if there arent many words inside the parenthesis, Grouping may be used instead

├123├456├789@0 ≡ 123
001334│û¬╓‼ ≡ 0134

an empty parenthesis is the same as Empty List

() ≡ φ

) (0x29) grammar

(x) Closing Parenthesis

closing counterpart of Opening Parenthesis.

* (0x2A) verb

α*β Multiply

calculate α × β. scalar.

3*3 ≡ 9
2*3 ≡ 6
4*4 ≡ :16
`a*`b ≡ `b*`a
`a+`b*`c ≡ `a*`c+(`b*`c)

α* Product

multiply all the items in α. equivalent to ╧*.

234* ≡ :24
2222* ≡ :16
(123)(456)(789)* ≡ :28:80:162
(123)(456)(789)** ≡ :362880  ' 9!

the empty product is the multiplicative identity, 1.

φ* ≡ 1

see also: Reduce, Sum

+ (0x2B) verb

α+β Add

calculate α + β. scalar.

3+2 ≡ 5
4+3 ≡ 7
`a+`b ≡ `b+`a

α+ Sum

add all the items in α. equivalent to ╧+.

1234+ ≡ :10
(123)(456)(789)+ ≡ :12:15:18
(123)(456)(789)++ ≡ :45

the empty sum is the additive identity, 0.

φ+ ≡ 0

see also: Reduce, Product

, (0x2C) verb

α, Flatten

same as Reduce Concatenate ╧,. this removes one level of nesting in α.

¨foo¨bar¨bash, ≡ "foobarbash"
(012)(34(567))(89), ≡ 01234(567)89

this returns None for empty lists:

φ, ≡ φ

see also: Reshape

α,β Concatenate

concatenate the two lists α and β

123,456 ≡ 123456
"Hello,"," world" ≡ "Hello, world"

a scalar argument is used as a 1-argument list:

1,1 ≡ 11
12,3 ≡ 123
1,23 ≡ 123
1,2,3 ≡ 123

see also: Pair, Append, Prepend

- (0x2D) verb

α- Negate

calculate −α. scalar

1- ≡ :-1
Φ- ≡ :-10
2--2 ≡ _4
123- ≡ _1_2_3
3-- ≡ 3

α-β Subtract

calculate α − β. scalar

3-2 ≡ 1
4-1 ≡ 3
3-0 ≡ 3

. (0x2E) grammar

.name Noun

the variable name with noun role.

if not defined, will return None.

.kjfghkjbgihjbhekjgerbn ≡ ■

see also: Set, Mutate

/ (0x2F) verb

α/ Reciprocal

get the reciprocal of α, or 1/α. scalar

6/ ≡ 1/6
8/ ≡ :0.125

α/β Divide

calculate α / β. scalar

6/2 ≡ 3
6/3 ≡ 2
0/0 ≡ ■

0 (0x30) noun

0 Zero

the integer 0


the number 0.01, or :100/


the number 0.05, or :20/

1 (0x31) noun

1 One

the integer 1

_1 Minus One

the integer −1


the number 0.1, or Φ/

2 (0x32) noun

2 Two

the integer 2

_2 Minus Two

the integer −2


the number 0.2, or 5/

3 (0x33) noun

3 Three

the integer 3

_3 Minus Three

the integer −3


the number 0.3, or 3/Φ

4 (0x34) noun

4 Four

the integer 4

_4 Minus Four

the integer −4


the number 0.4, or 2/5

5 (0x35) noun

5 Five

the integer 5

_5 Minus Five

the integer −5


the number 0.5, or 5/Φ

6 (0x36) noun

6 Six

the integer 6

_6 Minus Six

the integer −6


the number 0.6, or 3/5

7 (0x37) noun

7 Seven

the integer 7

_7 Minus Seven

the integer −7


the number 0.7, or 7/Φ

8 (0x38) noun

8 Eight

the integer 8

_8 Minus Eight

the integer −8


the number 0.8, or 4/5

9 (0x39) noun

9 Nine

the integer 9

_9 Minus Nine

the integer −9


the number 0.9, or 9/Φ

: (0x3A) grammar

:name Verb

the variable name with verb role

:123 Numeric Literal

when the character after the colon is a decimal digit [0-9] or the negative sign -, it will be interpreted as a number (integer or floating point).

:12 ≡ Φ+2
:39 ≡ 3*Φ+9
:256 ≡ 2^8
:-3 ≡ _3
:12:24:32/4 ≡ 368

this also supports decimals, with a decimal point . or scientific notation using e:

:43.21 ≡ :4321/:100
:6.022e23 ≈ :6.022*(Φ^:23)
:1.6605e−27 ≈ :1.6605/(Φ^:27)
:0.01 ≡ 1/:100
:1e-2 ≡ 1/:100

this syntax allows for 0x 0b 0o 0s 0z 0n for hexadecimal, binary, octal, senary, duodecimal, hexatrigesimal respectively. these use the digits 0-9 and a-z (always in lowercase):

:0xff ≡ :255
:0xdeadbeef ≡ :3735928559
:-0nxyz ≡ :-44027
:0x100000000 ≡ 2^:32

the syntax looks a bit like this:

number := ":" "-"? (decimal | based)
decimal := [0-9]+ ("." [0-9]*)? ("e" "-"? [0-9]+)?
based := "0x" [0-9a-f]*
       | "0b" [0-1]*
       | "0o" [0-7]*
       | "0s" [0-5]*
       | "0z" [0-9a-b]*
       | "0n" [0-9a-z]*

note that whitespace ends a literal:

:1 234 ≡ (1)(2)(3)(4)
:12 34 ≡ (:12)(3)(4)
:123 4 ≡ (:123)(4)
:1234  ≡ :1234

see also: Integer Literals

; (0x3B) verb

α; Duplicate

forms a pair αα. same as ┴♫

5; ≡ 55
123; ≡ (123)(123)

α;β Procatenate

concatenates β to α. same as ┴,

5;4;3 ≡ 345
123;456 ≡ 456123

< (0x3C) verb

α< Grade Up

Grade Up can be used for sorting. it returns a permutation, or list of indices, that would sort the list descendingly. you can think of this as sorting the array α~↕ according to α

37625< ≡ 30421
37625<¡37625 ≡ 23567
37625<╖¡ ≡ 23567  ' more tacit

this uses stable sorting: the same array will always yield the same permutation, and equal arguments are ordered by position.

see also: Grade Down, Sort Up

α<β Less Than

return 1 if α < β, else 0. scalar.

5<3 ≡ 0
3<3 ≡ 0
3<5 ≡ 1

see also: Greater Than

α_<β Lexicographic Less Than

return 1 if α < β, else 0. this function is not scalar; if any of the two elements are lists, it will compare lexicographically:

234_<235 ≡ 1
234_<233 ≡ 0
234_<263 ≡ 1
334_<263 ≡ 0

if both lists don't have the same length, the extra items are compared with the smaller's list fill. the default fill is None, and None is less than every other value, so a list is greater than its prefixes:

"cat"_<"catnip" ≡ 1
"cat"▐`z_<"catnip" ≡ 0

see also: Lexicographic Greater Than

= (0x3D) verb

α= Depth

get the depth of the deepest element in α. same as ▬~

1= ≡ 0
123= ≡ 1
((01)23)(45(67)7)(8♪9)= ≡ 3
♪♪♪♪123= ≡ 5
♪♪♪♪(123)= ≡ 5
(123)(456)(789)= ≡ 2
(1234)(5678)(9012)= ≡ 2
(123)(5678)(90)= ≡ 2
(1234)((56)(78))(90)= ≡ 3

see also: Shape

α=β Equals

return 1 if α = β, else 0. scalar.

5=3 ≡ 0
3=3 ≡ 1
3=5 ≡ 0
123454321234=2 ≡ 010000010100
"words words words"=`  ≡ 00000100000100000

two NaNs compare equal:

■=■ ≡ 1

see also: Matches, Not Equals

> (0x3E) verb

α> Grade Down

Grade Down can be used for sorting. it returns a permutation, or list of indices, that would sort the list descendingly. you can think of this as sorting the array α♣- according to α.

37625> ≡ 12403
37625>¡37625 ≡ 76532
37625>╖¡ ≡ 76532  ' more tacit

this uses stable sorting: the same array will always yield the same permutation, and equal arguments are ordered by position.

see also: Grade Up, Sort Down

α>β Greater Than

return 1 if α > b, else 0. scalar.

5>3 ≡ 1
3>3 ≡ 0
3>5 ≡ 0

see also: Less Than

α_>β Lexicographic Greater Than

return 1 if α < β, else 0. this function is not scalar; if any of the two elements are lists, it will compare lexicographically:

234_>235 ≡ 0
234_>233 ≡ 1
234_>263 ≡ 0
334_>263 ≡ 1

if both lists don't have the same length, the extra items are compared with the smaller's list fill. the default fill is None, and None is less than every other value, so a list is greater than its prefixes:

"cat"_>"catnip" ≡ 0
"cat"▐`z_>"catnip" ≡ 1

see also: Lexicographic Less Than

? (0x3F) statement

x?y Then

execute statement y if x is not 0 or Null. if x is a function, it will be called with α and, if Σ~1, β.

_3→b b<0?-↔b b ≡ 3
 5→b b<0?-↔b b ≡ 5

Return may be used for short-circuiting. this is the same as your familiar ternary statement.

_3{<0?α-◘α} ≡ 3
 5{<0?α-◘α} ≡ 5
5→a[a<0?a-◘a] ≡ 5

@ (0x40) verb

α@ First

get the first item in a list α. this is equivalent to calling α with 0.

"aeiou"@ ≡ `a
(12)(34)@ ≡ 12
(+2)@ ≡ 2

see also: Behead, Last

α@β Index

get the element in list α at index β

"aeiou"@2 ≡ `i
4321@1 ≡ 3
(12)(34)(56)(78)@2 ≡ 56

if α is a function, it will be called with the index:

(-)@3 ≡ _3
(*3-2)@5 ≡ :13
(♠)@"bee" ≡ "eeb"

if the index is outside the list's domain [0, α~), or if it is null, it uses its fill

123@5 ≡ ■
123▐0@5 ≡ 0
123▐0@■ ≡ 0

when α and β are lists, this indexes at depth, so that l@20 ≡ l@2@0

(12)(34)(56)(78)@20 ≡ 5
(12)(34)(56)(78)@21 ≡ 6
(+3)(-2)(½)(÷8)@27 ≡ :3.5

in this case, null selects all the items. this can be useful for retrieving columns of a matrix

123@♪■ ≡ 123
(12)(34)(56)(78)@2■ ≡ 56
(12)(34)(56)(78)@■1 ≡ 2468
(123)(456)(789)@1■ ≡ 456
(123)(456)(789)@■1 ≡ 258
(123)(456)(789)@■2 ≡ 369

A (0x41) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─a.

_A Uppercase Letters


B (0x42) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─b.

_B Letters

the string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

C (0x43) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─c.

_C Lowercase Letters

the string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

D (0x44) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─d.

_D Digits

the string "0123456789"

E (0x45) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─e.

_E Digits and Letters

the string "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

F (0x46) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─f.

_F Digits and Uppercase Letters


G (0x47) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─g.

_G Digits and Lowercase Letters

the string "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

H (0x48) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─h.

_H Uppercase Hexadecimal

the string "0123456789ABCDEF"

I (0x49) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─i.

_I Lowercase Hexadecimal

the string "0123456789abcdef"

J (0x4A) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─j.

_J Base-64

the string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

K (0x4B) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─k.

_K Alternate Base-64

the string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"

L (0x4C) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─l.

_L Letters and Digits

the string "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"

M (0x4D) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─m.

_M Month Abbreviations

a list of the strings "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"

N (0x4E) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─n.

_N Month Day Count

a list of the numbers 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

O (0x4F) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─o.

_O Weekday Abbreviations

a list of the strings "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sun" "Sat"

P (0x50) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─p.

Q (0x51) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─q.

R (0x52) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─r.

S (0x53) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─s.

T (0x54) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─t.

U (0x55) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─u.

V (0x56) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─v.

W (0x57) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─w.

X (0x58) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─x.

Y (0x59) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─y.

Z (0x5A) verb variable


general-purpose verb variable. by default, ─z.

[ (0x5B) grammar

[abc] Start Block

list of statements that are executed until a Return or the end is found, and return that value. similar to a Define Function, but it is immediately executed and doesn't have a scope. most useful with ? Then, as it can be used to simulate a ternary operator:

6→a a%3=0?[/3↔a "a is now ",(aⁿ] ≡ "a is now 2"
[1+1=2?"yay"◘"oh no"]Ç ≡ "YAY"

\ (0x5C) verb

α\ Filter Holes

remove Nones in the list α.

■12■345■■67■89\ ≡ 123456789

α\β Set Difference

return α without the items in β

"hello world i am a vemf test"\`  ≡ "helloworldiamavemftest"
"hello world i am a vemf test"\¨aeiou ≡ "hll wrld  m  vmf tst"

] (0x5D) grammar

[abc] End Block

closing counterpart of [ Start Block.

^ (0x5E) verb

α^ Exponential

calculate exp α, or e^α, where e is Euler's number. scalar.

1^ ≡ :2.718281828459045
3^ ≡ :20.085536923187668

α^β Exponent

calculate α raised to the power of β. scalar.

2^6 ≡ :64
3^5 ≡ :243

_ (0x5F) grammar

_a Alternate

the underscore is used for accessing variant forms of functions or variables. _a is equivalent to ."_a", :"_a", •"_a" or ○"_a" depending on the rank of a

for numbers (123456789Φ), this will be its negative:

_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_Φ ≡ 123456789Φ-

uppercase ascii letters (A-Z) store convenient constants:

_B ≡ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
_C ≡ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
_D ≡ "0123456789"
_E ≡ "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
_G ≡ "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
_H ≡ "0123456789ABCDEF"
_I ≡ "0123456789abcdef"
_J ≡ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
_K ≡ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"
_L ≡ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
_M ≡ "Jan""Feb""Mar""Apr""May""Jun""Jul""Aug""Sep""Oct""Nov""Dec"
_N ≡ :31:28:31:30:31:30:31:31:30:31:30:31
_O ≡ "Mon""Tue""Wed""Thu""Fri""Sun""Sat"

` (0x60) literal

`a Character Literal

the position of a in the codepage

`a ≡ :97
`b ≡ :98
`⌡ ≡ :245

see also: Digraph Literal

`a Negative Character Literal

the position of a in the codepage, negated

_`a ≡ :-97
_`⌡ ≡ :-245

a (0x61) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 12

b (0x62) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 20

c (0x63) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 99. also the character c.

d (0x64) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 100. also the character d.

e (0x65) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 999

f (0x66) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 1000

g (0x67) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 10000

h (0x68) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 100000

i (0x69) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 1000000

j (0x6A) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 10000000

k (0x6B) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 15

l (0x6C) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 16

m (0x6D) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 31

n (0x6E) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 32. also a space character.

o (0x6F) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 63. also a ? character.

p (0x70) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 64. also a @ character.

q (0x71) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 127

r (0x72) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 128

s (0x73) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 255

t (0x74) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 256

u (0x75) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 512

v (0x76) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 1024

w (0x77) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 32768

x (0x78) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 65536

y (0x79) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 16777216, or 2^:24

z (0x7A) variable


a general-purpose variable. by default, 2147483648, or 2^:31

{ (0x7B) grammar

{abc} Define Function

return a function that executes the statements inside the braces, returning a value and stopping once a Return statement is hit. a Return statement is implicit at the end of a function. this function will have a role of verb.

{"Hello, World!"☻·}→sayhi 0:sayhi ≡ ■
{6á▲◘}→roll 0:roll ?≡ 4
{6á▲}→roll 0:roll ?≡ 4

some variables are set when calling a function: α Alpha is set to the left argument, β Beta is set to the right argument or None if not given, ƒ Self to the function being called, and Σ Arity to the number of arguments passed.

{α+β/2}→avg 3:avg7 ≡ 5

the inside of a function creates a scope, and any variables created inside the scope will not be visible once the function returns.

123{α*2→double .double-1} ≡ 135
123{α*2→double .double-1}· .double ≡ ■

when a function is created, all of the variables that it references as a value will be captured (lexical scope). this capture is immutable; if you change the value of a capture, it will only be changed in that function's scope.

123→l{l,α↔l}→append 4:append· l ≡ 123

there are two ways of changing this, both equivalent: not referencing the value (as Mutate Statement can take a function), or deleting the capture. then it will look for an l in the caller scope (dynamic scope); the variable you reference must be in scope and there must not be any other variable with the same name in the same scope.

123→l{,α↔l}→append 4:append· l ≡ 1234
123→l{→l l,α↔l}→append 4:append· l ≡ 1234
123→l{,α↔l}→append 0{"things"→l 4:append· l} ≡ "things♦"  ' oops!

the braces don't need to be closed at the end of file.

| (0x7C) verb

α|β Or

compute boolean OR of α and β; return 1 if one of α and β are nonzero, otherwise 0. scalar.

0|0 ≡ 0
0|1 ≡ 1
1|0 ≡ 1
1|1 ≡ 1

see also: And, Minimum

α| Any

return 1 if any item in α is nonzero. equivalent to ╧|0

10101011101| ≡ 1
11111111111| ≡ 1
00000000000| ≡ 0

for an empty list, this is always 0:

φ| ≡ 0

see also: Or, All

} (0x7D) grammar

{abc} End Function

closing counterpart of Define Function.

~ (0x7E) verb

α~ Length

get the length of α. equivalent to ▬@.

1111~ ≡ 4
(12)(34)(56)~ ≡ 3
φ~ ≡ 0

scalars have a length of 1, and functions have a length of Infinity.

3~ ≡ 1
.►~ ≡ ∞

see also: Shape, Depth

α~β Not Equals

same as . scalar.

5~3 ≡ 1
3~3 ≡ 0
3~5 ≡ 1

see also: Equals, Not Matches

(0x7F, 'ex) verb

α⌂ Exit

exits the program. if α is an integer, it will be the return code; otherwise, α will be printed as a string before exiting.

Ç (0x80, 'c+) verb

αÇ Uppercase

returns α, uppercasing it if in the range 'a'..'z'. scalar.

"lowercase"Ç ≡ "LOWERCASE"
"Bees, bees"Ç ≡ "BEES, BEES"
"mOcKiNg"Ç ≡ "MOCKING"

see also: Lowercase

ü (0x81, 'u") verb

αü Complex Conjugate

returns α, changing the sign of the imaginary part

2í3ü ≡ _2í3
Θí4ü ≡ 1í4
2ü ≡ 2

αüβ Group

pair up the elements of α and β, and returns a new list where each element in α appears in the βth element, in order. the fill will be the Empty List. if β is None, the element will be ignored.

"vemf programming language"ü0000■11111112222■33333333 ≡ "vemf""program""ming""language"▐φ
123456789ü012012012 ≡ (147)(258)(369)▐φ
"bee bumblebee honeybee"ü000φ111111000φ11111000 ≡ "beebeebee""bumblehoney"▐φ
"eastern bumblehoneybee"ü2222222211111122222(012)(012)(012) ≡ "bee""bumblebee""eastern honeybee"▐φ

é (0x82, 'e') verb

αé Bits

get the internal representation of the integer α. this will be a 64-element list of bits with fill 0. scalar.

:3054é ≡ 0111011111010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000▐0

αéβ Encode Base

encodes the number α into the base β as a list, in little-endian order and 0 fill. scalar.

:314éΦ ≡ 413▐0
:1000éΦ ≡ 0001▐0
:314é2 ≡ 010111001▐0
0é3 ≡ φ▐0
:16↕é4╛↑2 ≡ │00│10│20│30│01│11│21│31│02│12│22│32│03│13│23│33

see also: Represent Base, Decode Base

â (0x83, 'a^) verb

αâ Tangent

calculate tan α. scalar.

0â ± 0
π/6â ± 3√/3
π/4â ± 1
π/3â ± 3√
π/2â ± ■
πâ ± 0
π*3½â ± ■
π*2â ± 0

see also: Sine, Cosine, Arctangent

αâβ Bitwise And

calculate bitwise AND of integers α and β. scalar.

(0011è)â(0101è) ≡ 0001è
:3054â:255 ≡ :238

see also: And, Bitwise Or, Bitwise Xor

α_â Hyperbolic Tangent

calculate tanh α. scalar.

ä (0x84, 'a") verb

αä Arctangent

calculate arctan α or tan⁻¹ α. scalar.

0ä ± 0
3√ä ± π/3
1ä ± π/4

see also: Tangent, Atan2

αäβ Nand

calculate boolean NAND of α and β. scalar. equivalent to

0ä0 ≡ 1
0ä1 ≡ 1
1ä0 ≡ 1
1ä1 ≡ 0

see also: And

α_ä Hyperbolic Inverse Tangent

calculate artanh α. scalar.

à (0x85, 'a`) verb

αàβ Sample

get a simple random sample of the list α of length β; that is, take β distinct elements randomly from α.

"sample"à4 ?≡ "smae"
"sample"à4 ?≡ "esal"
"sample"à2 ?≡ "em"

if β is the length of α, this is effectively a shuffle, which is what à does monadically:

"sample"à6 ?≡ "mpesla"

αà Shuffle

shuffle the elements from α

"sample"à ?≡ "lspeam"

å (0x86, 'ao) verb

αå Choice

pick a random element in α

"pick"å ?≡ `c
"pick"å ?≡ `k

αåβ Choices

pick β elements from α, putting them in a list. β-pervasive.

"pick"å3 ?≡ "ikk"
"pick"åΦ ?≡ "ikcipckikc"

these might repeat; see Sample

ç (0x87, 'c,) verb

αç Lowercase

return α, lowercasing it if in the range 'A'..'Z'. scalar.

`Aç ≡ `a
"UPPERCASE"ç ≡ "uppercase"
"lowercase"ç ≡ "lowercase"
"Bees, bees"ç ≡ "bees, bees"
"mOcKiNg"ç ≡ "mocking"

see also: Uppercase

ê (0x88, 'e^) verb

αê Encode Codepage

convert Unicode codepoint α into the vemf codepage, or None if not possible. scalar.

:8226:9829:9786:402`eê ≡ "•♥☺ƒe"

αêβ Encode

represent α in the radix system β in big-endian order. α-pervasive. we can use this, for example, for converting to hours, minutes, and seconds:

  :4000ê:24:60:60 ≡ :0:1:6:40
  :3200ê:24:60:60 ≡ :0:0:53:20
:140000ê:24:60:60 ≡ :1:14:53:20

note that the result has one more item than β for the remainder. you can remove it with Behead if you want

:12345êΦΦΦΦΦΦ♂ ≡ 012345
:1234567êΦΦΦΦΦΦ♂ ≡ 234567

encode is also useful as a divmod

:123.45ê:10 ± :12:3.45
:123.45ê1 ± :123:0.45

α_ê Encode UTF-8

represent a string as a UTF-8 list of bytes, converting invalid values to � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

`a:269:676:1062:8224:30340:128238:69685_ê ≡ "a─ì╩ñ╨ªΓÇáτÜä≡ƒô«≡æÇ╡"

ë (0x89, 'e") verb

αë Decode Codepage

convert characters from vemf codepage into Unicode, or None if not possible. scalar.

"•♥☺ƒe"ë ≡ :8226:9829:9786:402`e

αëβ Decode

decode α from the radix system β in big-endian order. this is an inverse of Encode.

0:1:6:40ë:24:60:60 ≡ :4000
:1:6:40ë:24:60:60 ≡ :4000
1234ëΦΦΦ ≡ :1234
:12:3.45ë:10 ± :123.45
:123:0.45ë1 ± :123.45

applies to the deepest lists in α and β. effectively a no-op for a scalar α.

(:1:6:40)(:2:13:20)ë:24:60:60 ≡ :4000:8000
(:1:6:40)(:1:7:6)ë(:24:60:60)(:1:20:12) ≡ :4000:330

α_ë Decode UTF-8

converts a list of bytes into a string, converting invalid sequences to � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

"a─ì╩ñ╨ªΓÇáτÜä≡ƒô«≡æÇ╡"_ë ≡ `a:269:676:1062:8224:30340:128238:69685

è (0x8A, 'e`) verb

αèβ Decode Base

converts a list α from positional base β, in little-endian order. pervasive in β, applies to the deepest lists in α.

4503èΦ ≡ :3054
(4503)(7312)èΦ ≡ :3054:2137

see also: Encode Base, Parse Base

αè Decode Binary

use 2 as the base

011101111101è2 ≡ :3054
(0101)(1010)è ≡ Φ 5

ï (0x8B, 'i") verb

αï Arcsine

calculate arcsin α or sin⁻¹ α. scalar.

Θï ± π½-
0ï ± 0
1ï ± π½

see also: Sine

αïβ Xor

calculate boolean XOR of α and β. scalar. equivalent to ⌐║~

0ï0 ≡ 0
0ï1 ≡ 1
1ï0 ≡ 1
1ï1 ≡ 0

see also: Or, Not Equals

α_ï Hyperbolic Inverse Sine

calculate arsinh α. scalar.

î (0x8C, 'i^) verb

αî Sine

calculate sin α. scalar.

0î ± 0
π/6î ± 1½
π/4î ± 2√½
π/3î ± 3√½
π/2î ± 1
πî ± 0
π*3½î ± Θ
π*2î ± 0

see also: Arcsine, Cosine, Tangent

αîβ Bitwise Xor

calculate bitwise XOR of α and β. scalar.

(0011è)î(0101è) ≡ 0110è
:3054î8 ≡ :3046

see also: Bitwise And, Bitwise Or, Xor

α_î Hyperbolic Sine

calculate sinh α. scalar.

ì (0x8D, 'i`) verb

αì Cis

calculate cis α or exp(i*α). scalar.

0ì ± 1
π½ì ± 1í
πì ± Θ
π-½ì ± Θí

αìβ From Polar

calculate β * cis α or β*exp(i*α). this is the same as converting from the polar form where α = φ (the argument) and β = r (the modulus or magnitude or absolute value). scalar.

π½ì2 ± 2í
π/4ì(2√) ± 1í1

Ä (0x8E, 'a+) verb

αÄ Argument

get the argument (or phase or angle) of the complex number α. scalar.

2Ä ≡ 0
2íÄ ≡ π½
_2Ä ≡ π
_2íÄ ≡ π½-
2í2Ä ≡ π/4

αÄβ Atan2

calculate atan2(α, β). equivalent to íÄ. scalar.

0Ä2 ≡ 0
2Ä0 ≡ π½
0Ä_2 ≡ π
_2Ä0 ≡ π½-

see also: Arctangent

Å (0x8F, 'aO) verb

αÅ As Radians

converts α radians to degrees. equivalent to *├:180/π. scalar.

2*πÅ ≡ :360
πÅ ≡ :180
π½Å ≡ :90
π¼Å ≡ :360

see also: As Degrees

αÅβ Absolute Difference

calculate the absolute difference of α and β. equivalent to . scalar.

3Å5 ≡ 2
5Å3 ≡ 2
Φ↕Å3 ≡ 3210123456

see also: Approximately Equal

É (0x90, 'e+) verb

αÉ Is Scalar

returns 1 if α is a scalar, otherwise 0. equivalent to ε¬

4É ≡ 1
456É ≡ 0
(▲)É ≡ 0

see also: Is List

αÉβ Excludes

for every item in the list α, check if it is not in β. equivalent to ε¬

0123456789É012073167140 ≡ 0000010011
1 É 012073167140 ≡ 0
5 É 012073167140 ≡ 1
"unauthorised equation"É"aeiou" ≡ 010011010101101001001

see also: Includes

æ (0x91, 'ae) verb

αæ Bitwise Not

return the bitwise NOT of α. scalar. equivalent to -α-1 or ▲-

7 3æ ≡ _8_4

see also: Bitwise Xor

αæβ Join

join the lists in α with the separator β

"bee""bees""apioids"æ` ◄ ≡ "bee bees apioids"
123ªæ", " ≡ "1, 2, 3"
"Hello"æ`f ≡ "Hfeflflfo"

Æ (0x92, 'aE) verb

αÆ Expand

turn α into an infinite list, where the items outside the list are α's fill. equivalent to {┴@α}

123~ ≡ 3
123Æ~ ≡ ∞
123╒+45 ≡ 57
123╒+(45▐0) ≡ 57
123╒+(45▐0Æ) ≡ 573
123╒+(45Æ) ≡ 57■

ô (0x93, 'o^) verb

αô Cosine

calculate cos α. scalar.

0ô ± 1
π/6ô ± 3√½
π/4ô ± 2√½
π/3ô ± 1½
π/2ô ± 0
πô ± Θ
π*3½ô ± 0
π*2ô ± 1

see also: Sine, Tangent, Arccosine

αôβ Bitwise Or

calculate bitwise OR of integers α and β. scalar.

(0011è)ô(0101è) ≡ 0111è

see also: Or, Bitwise And, Bitwise Xor

α_ô Hyperbolic Cosine

calculate cosh α. scalar.

ö (0x94, 'o") verb

αö Arccosine

calculate arccos α or cos⁻¹ α. scalar.

Θö ± π
0ö ± π½
1ö ± 0

see also: Cosine

αöβ Nor

compute boolean NOR of α and β. scalar. equivalent to .

0ö0 ≡ 1
0ö1 ≡ 0
1ö0 ≡ 0
1ö1 ≡ 0

see also: Or

α_ö Hyperbolic Inverse Cosine

calculate arcosh α. scalar.

ò (0x95, 'o`) verb

αò Eval

evaluate the codepage string α in the current context, and return the value

"1+1"ò ≡ 2

it will have access to all defined variables in the enclosing scopes, all the input and output streams and the random number generator. don't use this from untrusted sources blah blah blah blah.

4→value· "6↔value"ò· .value ≡ 6

û (0x96, 'u^) verb

αû Occurence Count

for every element of α, count the number of occurences of that element in the prefix before that element.

320110433250û ≡ 000011012102

therefore, û¬ detects if an element is the first in the array:

320110433250û¬ ≡ 111100100010
320110433250(û¬)╓‼ ≡ 320145  ' same as α∩

see also: Count, Unique

αûβ Unique Index Of

for every element in β, find the index of the first unused match in α, or None.

22235 û 223357 ≡ 013■4■
3333 û 3323 ≡ 01■2

ù (0x97, 'u`) verb

αù Real Part

get the real part of a complex number α. scalar.

3í4ù ≡ 4
3ù ≡ 3

see also: Parts, Imaginary Part

αùβ Count

count the number of matches of β in α. β-pervasive.

012073167140ù0123456789 ≡ 3311101200

see also: Occurence Count

ÿ (0x98, 'y") verb

αÿ Deindices

a list of length αÑ with fill 0, where the value of an element i is the amount of occurences of i in α

134679ÿ ≡ 0101101101▐0
02244455557ÿ ≡ 10203401▐0
75420542545ÿ ≡ 10203401▐0

Ö (0x99, 'o+) verb

αÖβ Write

write a string α, UTF-8 encoded, to output stream β. returns the number of bytes written, or None if there was some IO error.

αÖ Write Stdout

write a string α to output stream 0. equivalent to Ö0.

see also: Print

α_Öβ Write Bytes

write a list of bytes α to output stream β. returns the number of bytes written, or None if there was some IO error.

α_Ö Write Bytes to Stdout

write a list of bytes α to output stream 0. equivalent to _Ö0.

Ü (0x9A, 'u+) verb

αÜβ Read

if α is a negative integer greater than 256, read bytes from input stream β until the byte α- is reached and decode them from UTF-8. invalid sequences are replaced with � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.

for α=∞, read until the end of file. other positive values are implementation-dependent and depend on the stream. however, some common values are:

this function will return None in case of an IO error.

αÜ Read Stdin

read from input stream 0. equivalent to Ü0.

see also: All Input

α_Üβ Read Bytes

if α is a non-negative integer and less than 256, read bytes from input stream β until the byte α is reached.

if α is a negative integer, read α- bytes form input stream β.

for α=∞, read until the end of file.

this function will return None in case of an IO error.

α_Ü Read Bytes from Stdin

read from input stream 0. equivalent to _Ü0.

¢ (0x9B, 'C) verb

α¢ Absolute

get the absolute value of α. for complex numbers, this is the magnitude or modulus. scalar.

5¢ ≡ 5
0¢ ≡ 0
_4¢ ≡ 4
3í4¢ ≡ 5

α¢β Distance

calculate α²+(β²)√, or the distance of (α, β) to the origin (0, 0), or the absolute value of αíβ. scalar

3¢4 ≡ 5
8¢6 ≡ :10
1¢1 ≡ 2√

£ (0x9C, 'fd) verb

α£β Find

finds all non-overlapping occurances of sublist β in α. returns a list of the same length as α, where the matches are represented as increasing indices of the sublist, and non-matches are None. if β is a scalar or the Empty List, search for the element β.

"sus sus amongus"£`s    ≡ 0■0■0■0■■■■■■■0
"sus sus amongus"£"s"   ≡ 0■0■0■0■■■■■■■0
"sus sus amongus"£"us"  ≡ ■01■■01■■■■■■01
"sus sus amongus"£"us " ≡ ■012■012■■■■■■■
"sus sus amongus"£"sus" ≡ 012■012■■■■■■■■
"bee beebeee beebe"£"ee"  ≡ ■01■■01■01■■■01■■
"bee beebeee beebe"£"bee" ≡ 012■012012■■012■■

this is similar to using Scan Windows and Matches α(►~)╫≡β but this does not include overlapping matches

"asininity"£"ini" ≡ ■■012■■■■
"asininity"(►~)╫≡ "ini" ≡ 0010100  ' two matches!

its format is also a bit more convenient: same length as the original string, and you can do =0 to find the starts of matches or Is Some to find all the matched characters:

"sus sus amongus"£"sus"   ≡ 012■012■■■■■■■■
"sus sus amongus"£"sus"=0 ≡ 100010000000000
"sus sus amongus"£"sus"▀  ≡ 111011100000000

see also: Equals, Scan Windows, Split

¥ (0x9D, 'Y) verb

α¥β Split

splits a list α at all the ocurrences of the sublist β

"bee bees apioids"¥` ◄ ≡ "bee""bees""apioids"
"bee bees apioids"¥`,  ≡ ♪"bee bees apioids"
"one, two, three"¥", " ≡ "one""two""three"

see also: Find

α¥ Split Newlines

splits at newlines (byte 0x0A). same as ¥Φ. won't strip out carriage returns.

α_¥β Split Once

splits a list α at the first occurrence of the item β

"bee bees apioids"_¥` ◄ ≡ "bee""bees apioids"

(0x9E, 'pt) verb

α₧β Partition

partition the list α at indexes β

0123456789₧46 ≡ (0123)(45)(6789)
0123456789₧0469Φ ≡ ()(0123)(45)(678)(♪9)()

α₧ Parts

get a list of the real and imaginary parts of α. scalar. equivalent to └ù♫ú

4í_2 ₧ ≡ _2 4
4₧ ≡ 4 0
456_30í_2_3024₧ ≡ │_24│_35│06│2_3│40

see also: Real Part, Imaginary Part

ƒ (0x9F, 'F 'f,) verb variable

αƒαƒβ Self

the function being executed. if not in a function definition, undefined. useful for recursive functions.

6{=0?1◘α▼ƒ*α} ≡ :720

you shouldn't need this very often; in this case, ↨* or ! would have been enough. remember to include an exit condition using Return.

á (0xA0, 'a') verb

αá Pick

pick a random integer in the range [0, α). scalar.

5á ?≡ 3
5á ?≡ 2
5á ?≡ 4
5á ?≡ 0

if α is 0 or lower, pick a floating point value in the range [0, 1)

0á ?≡ :0.6902543350466662

αáβ Picks

pick β times. this is the same as doing α§βá

5áΦ ?≡ 4 3 2 2 0 2 1 0 3 3
5á:100<5& ≡ 1

í (0xA1, 'i') verb

αí Imaginary

calculate α*i, where i is the imaginary unit. scalar.

1í ≡ Γ
3í ≡ 3*Γ

see also: Imaginary Unit

αíβ Complex

calculate β + α*i. scalar.

1í² ± _1
2í² ± _4
3í2² ± :12í_5

ó (0xA2, 'o') verb

αó Signs

calculate (−1)^α. if α is an integer, this means −1 for odd α, and 1 for even α. scalar. equivalent to ┴^Θ

012345ó ≡ 1Θ1Θ1Θ

see also: Minus One

αóβ Divides

return 1 if α is divisible by β, otherwise 0. scalar. equivalent to

0ó3 ≡ 1
1ó3 ≡ 0
2ó3 ≡ 0
3ó3 ≡ 1
:20↕ó4 ≡ 10001000100010001000

see also: Remainder

ú (0xA3, 'u') verb

αú Imaginary Part

get the imaginary part of a complex number α. scalar.

3í4ú ≡ 3
3ú ≡ 0

see also: Parts, Real Part

αúβ Index of Last

find the last exact match in the list and return its index, or else None. β-pervasive.

012073167140ú0123456789 ≡ :11 925Φ■78■■

see also: Index Of

ñ (0xA4, 'n- 'n~) verb

αñβ Minimum

return the lowest number between α and β. scalar.

0ñ2 ≡ 0
_3ñ0 ≡ _3
_2ñ2 ≡ _2
1ñ5 ≡ 1

αñ Infimum

return the lowest number in α. equivalent to ╧ñ∞

2398389292ñ ≡ 2

for an empty list, this returns infinity.

φñ ≡ ∞

Ñ (0xA5, 'n+) verb

αÑβ Maximum

return the largest number between α and β. scalar.

1Ñ2 ≡ 2
_2Ñ3 ≡ 3
_2Ñ0 ≡ 0

αÑ Supremum

return the greatest number in α. equivalent to ╧Ñ_∞

381562124Ñ ≡ 8

for an empty list, this returns negative infinity.

φÑ ≡ ∞-

ª (0xA6, 'a,) verb

αª Represent

convert the number α to a string. scalar.

:123ª ≡ "123"
:123.45ª ≡ "123.45"
4í3ª ≡ "3+4i"

see also: Parse

αªβ Represent Base

convert the number α to a string in base β, using the characters 0-9 and a-z. unspecified behaviour for bases not in [2, 36]. scalar.

:35ª2 ≡ "100011"
:42ªΦ ≡ "42"
:3054ª:16 ≡ "bee"
:14774ª:36 ≡ "bee"
:42405ª:16 ≡ "a5a5"
:-42405ª:16 ≡ "-a5a5"
0ª:16 ≡ "0"

see also: Parse Base, Encode Base

º (0xA7, 'o,) verb

αº Parse

convert the string α to a number, or None if this conversion failed.

"123"º ≡ :123
"123.45"º ≡ :123.45
"123+5i"º ≡ 5í:123
"1 234"º ≡ ■

this function applies at the deepest text strings in α. if α is a character it returns a single number.

`4º ≡ 4
`eº ≡ ■
"123""456""789""abc"º ≡ :123:456:789■

see also: Represent

αºβ Parse Base

convert the string α in base β to a number. behaviour unspecified for bases not in [2, 36].

"bee"º:16 ≡ :3054
"bee"º:36 ≡ :14774
"A5A5"º:16 ≡ :42405

applies at the deepest text strings in α. pervasive in β

"111""222""333""444"º2345 ≡ :7:26:63:124
"31"º8Φ ≡ :25:31

see also: Represent Base, Decode Base

¿ (0xA8, '?) verb

α¿ Diagonal

get the diagonal of length α▬2ñ of a list α

"bus""red""are"¿ ≡ "bee"
.►↑55¿ ≡ :0:6:12:18:24
(100)(020)(003)¿ ≡ 123

α¿β Select

index α with every item in β. equivalent to ╘@.

"abc""def""ghi"¿(22)(10)(11)(00) ≡ "idea"

(0xA9, '_ 'bl) verb

α⌐ Bool

returns 1 if α~0, otherwise 0. scalar.

0⌐ ≡ 0
1⌐ ≡ 1
3⌐ ≡ 1
2-⌐ ≡ 1

α⌐β Prepend

returns the list α with the item β added to the front.

123⌐4 ≡ 4123
123⌐456 ≡ (456)123

see also: Procatenate, Append

¬ (0xAA, '-) verb

α¬ Not

returns 1 if α=0, otherwise 0. scalar

0¬ ≡ 1
1¬ ≡ 0
3¬ ≡ 0
2-¬ ≡ 0

α¬β Append

returns the list α with the item β added to the back.

123¬4 ≡ 1234
123¬456 ≡ 123(456)

see also: Concatenate, Prepend

½ (0xAB, 'hf) verb

α½ Halve

equivalent to /2. scalar.

1½ ≡ :0.5
5½ ≡ :2.5
1½½ ≡ :0.25

α½β Lowest Common Denominator

calculates the lowest common denominator of two integers α and β, or lcd(α, β). scalar.

:12½:18 ≡ :36
:30½:45 ≡ :90

¼ (0xAC, 'db) verb

α¼ Double

equivalent to *2. scalar.

1¼ ≡ 2
Φ¼ ≡ :20
5¼ ≡ :10
6½¼ ≡ 6

α¼β Greatest Common Divisor

calculates the greatest common divisor of two integers α and β, or gcd(α, β). scalar.

8¼:12 ≡ 4
:30¼:45 ≡ :15

α¡ Last

get the last element of the list in α

"aeiou"¡ ≡ `u
123¡ ≡ 3

α¡β Translate

index the array α for every scalar in α. equivalent to _╛┴@.

13524¡" aeiouy" ≡ "aiueo"

« (0xAE, 'rl) verb

α«β Rotate Left

moves the last β elements of the list α to the front. β-pervasive.

12345«1 ≡ 23451
12345«3 ≡ 45123
12345«5 ≡ 12345
12345«6 ≡ 23451

if β is negative, this acts like Rotate Right.

12345«_3 ≡ 34512

see also: Shift Left

α« Rotate Left Once

equivalent to «1.

12345« ≡ 23451

» (0xAF, 'rr) verb

α»β Rotate Right

moves the first β elements of the list α to the back. β-pervasive.

12345»1 ≡ 51234
12345»3 ≡ 34512
12345»5 ≡ 12345
12345»6 ≡ 51234

if β is negative, this acts like Rotate Left.

12345»_3 ≡ 45123

see also: Shift Right

α» Rotate Right Once

equivalent to »1

12345» ≡ 51234

(0xB0, 'l2) literal

░☺☻ Short Literal

shorthand for an Integer Literal with 2 bytes (same as '│)

(0xB1, 'l3) literal

▒☺☻♥ Long Literal

shorthand for an Integer Literal with 3 bytes (same as '├)

(0xB2, 'c2) literal

▓ab Digraph Literal

a 2 character literal.

▓() ≡ `(`)
▓012 ≡ (`0`1)2

see also: Character Literal

(0xDB, 'us) literal

█äβçðḗꞙ█ Unicode String

start a list of unicode codepoints.

for basic ascii, this is the same as a regular string:

"abcdef" ≡ █abcdef█

but characters outside of ascii will get stored as their unicode codepoints:

█αβΓδ≡█ ≡ :945:946:915:948:8801
"αβΓδ≡" ≡ :224:225:226:235:240

Unicode Escapes will also use their codepoints:

█Ӓᘮ█ ≡ :1234:5678

note that some characters are converted automatically, including the vemf characters from 0x00 to 0x1F; see Codepage

(0xDC, 'hd) verb

α▄ Is None

1 if α is none, otherwise 0. scalar.

■▄ ≡ 1
12■456■78▄ ≡ 001000100

see also: Is Some

α▄β Denullify

if β is not 0, return None, otherwise α. scalar.

123456789▄010103102 ≡ 1■3■5■■8■

see also: Nullify

(0xDD, 'hl) verb

α▌ Fill Holes

replace Nones in the list α with its fill. equivalent to ▐╓▌

12■456■78▐0▌ ≡ 120456078▐0
12■456■78▌ ≡ 12■456■78

α▌β Replace Holes

replace Nones in the list α with β.

12■456■78▌0 ≡ 120456078

note that this function is not pervasive:

12■45(0■2■4)6■7  ▌0 ≡ 12045(0■2■4)607
12■45(0■2■4)6■7_╕▌0 ≡ 12045(00204)607

(0xDE, 'hr) verb

α▐ Get Fill

gets the fill of the list α.

123▐ ≡ ■

α▐β Set Fill

returns the list α with the fill changed.

123▐1▐ ≡ 1

(0xDF, 'hu) verb

α▀ Is Some

check if α is not null. same as ¬▄. scalar.

■▀ ≡ 0
1▀ ≡ 1
12■456■78▀ ≡ 110111011

see also: Is None

α▀β Nullify

if β is 0, return None, otherwise α. scalar.

123456789▀010103102 ≡ ■2■4■67■9

see also: Denullify

α (0xE0, 'A) variable

α Alpha

the left argument. if not in a function definition, the first argument passed in the command line, or δ@0

"left"{αÇ} ≡ "LEFT"
"left"{αÇ}"right" ≡ "LEFT"

β (0xE1, 'B) variable

β Beta

the right argument. if not in a function definition, the second argument passed in the command line, or δ@1. if the function was called monadically, this will be None.

"left"{βÇ} ≡ ■
"left"{βÇ}"right" ≡ "RIGHT"

Γ (0xE2, 'g+) noun

Γ Imaginary Unit

the imaginary Unit i

Γ ≡ Θ√
3*Γ+2 ≡ 3í2

see also: Imaginary, Complex

 Negative Imaginary Unit

the complex number -i, or Γ-

 Euler–Mascheroni Constant

the number 0.5772156649015329

π (0xE3, 'p- 'pi) noun

π Pi

pi, archimedes constant, ratio of a semicircle to its radius, or at least the best approximation possible in 64-bit floating point.

π ≡ :3.141592653589793


the number 6.283185307179586, or π*2

 Half Pi

the number 1.5707963267948966, or π/2

Σ (0xE4, 's+) variable

Σ Arity

the number of arguments passed (1 or 2). if not in a function definition, the number of arguments passed in the command-line (δ~, may not be 1 or 2).

σ (0xE5, 's-) noun

σ Outer Alpha

references α from the outer scope. useful for defining adverbs or higher-order functions.

μ (0xE6, 'm-) noun

μ Outer Beta

references β from the outer scope. useful for defining adverbs or higher-order functions.

τ (0xE7, 't-) variable

τ Current Timestamp

return the current UNIX timestamp, in seconds, with microsecond precision. can be 0 if this operation is not supported.

τ ?≡ :1717795741.658366   ' or well, at least it was when i just typed it.

see also: UTC Calendar, Local Calendar

Φ (0xE8, 'X 'f+) noun

Φ Ten

the integer 10. also stands for a line break.

Φ ≡ :10

 Minus Ten

the integer −10

_Φ ≡ :-10

 Euler's Number

the number 2.718281828459045, or euler's number e

1^ ≡ .Φ

see also: Expontential

Θ (0xE9, 'Q 't+) noun

Θ Minus One

the number −1

Θ ≡ :-1

the number −0.1, or Φ/-

.Θ ≡ :-0.1

Ω (0xEA, 'w+) noun

Ω All Input

Ω stores all the input until EOF decoded as text from stream 0, as if read with ∞Ü. the variable is only filled at its first use, so you can read from the file before ever mentioning Ω, but probably not the other way around.

see also: Read

δ (0xEB, 'd-) noun

δ Arguments

the list of arguments passed in the command line (not including the executable name, flags or the script filename)

(0xEC, 'if) noun


positive infinity

5<∞ ≡ 1

_∞ Negative Infinity

negative infinity

5>_∞ ≡ 1

.∞ Maximum Integer

the maximum integer representable by a signed 64-bit integer, or :9223372036854775807

.∞▲ ≡ :9223372036854775807
.∞  ≡ :9223372036854775807
.∞▼ ≡ :9223372036854775806

φ (0xED, 'Z 'f-) noun

φ Empty List

literal for an empty list with None fill

φ~ ≡ 0

 Golden Ratio

the number 1.618033988749895, or 5√▲½

the number -0.6180339887498949, or 5√▼-½

ε (0xEE, 'in 'e-) verb

αε Is List

returns 0 if α is a scalar, otherwise 1

4ε ≡ 0
456ε ≡ 1
(▲)ε ≡ 1

see also: Is Scalar

αεβ Includes

for every item in the list α, check if it is in β. equivalent to ╛(╘≡|)

0123456789ε012073167140 ≡ 1111101100
1 ε 012073167140 ≡ 1
5 ε 012073167140 ≡ 0
"unauthorised equation"ε"aeiou" ≡ 101100101010010110110
"unauthorised equation"(ε*:32-)╓+"aeiou" ≡ "UnAUthOrIsEd EqUAtIOn"

see also: Excludes

(0xEF, 'is) verb

α∩ Unique

remove duplicates from α

320110433250∩ ≡ 320145

see also: Occurence Count

α∩β Intersection

return the items in list α that are not in β

"hello world i am a vemf test"∩`  ≡ "      "
"hello world i am a vemf test"∩"aeiou " ≡ "eo o i a a e e"
"hello world i am a vemf test"∩"aeiou" ≡ "eooiaaee"

see also: Includes

(0xF0, '=) verb

α≡ Is Not Empty

returns 1 if the length of α is 0, otherwise 0

123≡ ≡ 0
φ≡ ≡ 1

see also: Is Empty

α≡β Matches

returns 1 if the values α and β are equal. functions always return false.

123≡123 ≡ 1
123≡1234 ≡ 0
(+)≡(+) ≡ 0

see also: Equals, Not Matches

± (0xF1, '+) verb

α± Signum

returns the signum of α. this is −1 for negative numbers, 1 for positive numbers, and 0 for zero. for complex numbers, this is generalised as α/abs(α) or ¢╓/

5± ≡ 1
0± ≡ 0
_3± ≡ Θ
4í± ≡ Γ
2í2± ≡ π/4ì

α±β Approximately Equal

checks that the floating point numbers α and β are almost (more-or-less) equal. this is computed as a relative and absolute tolerance of 2 to the power of −32, or roughly {α¢β/(1αβ ¢) ≤ (:32-%) |}

3±3 ≡ 1
3±:3.0000000001 ≡ 1
3±:3.001 ≡ 0
3±4 ≡ 0

see also: Matches

(0xF2, '>) verb

α≥ Sort Down

sorts the list α in descending order

143042≥ ≡ 443210

see also: Grade Down, Sort Up

α≥β Greater Than Or Equal

return 1 if α ≥ β, else 0. scalar. equivalent to

5≥3 ≡ 1
3≥3 ≡ 1
3≥5 ≡ 0

see also: Less Than Or Equal, Greater Than

α_≥β Lexicographic Greater Than Or Equal

return 1 if α ≥ β, else 0. if any of the two elements are lists, it will compare lexicographically. equivalent to _<¬

see also: Lexicographic Greater Than, Lexicographic Less Than

(0xF3, '<) verb

α≤ Sort Up

sorts the list α in ascending order

143042≤ ≡ 012344

see also: Grade Up, Sort Down

α≤β Less Than Or Equal

return 1 if α ≤ β, else 0. scalar.

5≤3 ≡ 0
3≤3 ≡ 1
3≤5 ≡ 1

see also: Greater Than Or Equal, Less Than

α_≤β Lexicographic Greater Than Or Equal

return 1 if α ≤ β, else 0. if any of the two elements are lists, it will compare lexicographically. equivalent to _>¬

see also: Lexicographic Less Than, Lexicographic Greater Than

(0xF4, 'cl) verb

α⌠ Ceiling

round up α. scalar.

:3.1⌠ ≡ 4
:3.9⌠ ≡ 4
   4⌠ ≡ 4

see also: Floor, Round, Euclidean Division

α⌠β Shift Right

returns a list of the same length as α, with every item shifted to the right by β, using the fill of α to fill the blanks. β-pervasive.

12345678⌠3 ≡ ■■■12345
87654321▐0⌠5 ≡ 00000876▐0
"yeah!!!"▐` ⌠4 ≡ "    yea"▐` 
"yeah!!!"▐` ⌠2 ≡ "  yeah!"▐` 
(012)(345)(678)▐000⌠1 ≡ (000)(012)(345)▐000

a negative β acts like Shift Left:

"yeah!!!"▐` ⌠_2 ≡ "ah!!!  "▐` 

and if α~≤β, the whole list will be filled:

12345678⌠8 ≡ ■■■■■■■■

see also: Rotate Right

(0xF5, 'fl) verb

α⌡ Floor

round down α. scalar.

:3.1⌡ ≡ 3
:3.9⌡ ≡ 3
   4⌡ ≡ 4

see also: Ceiling, Round

α⌡β Shift Left

returns a list of the same length as α, with every item shifted to the left by β, using the fill of α to fill the blanks. β-pervasive.

12345678⌡3 ≡ 45678■■■
87654321▐0⌡5 ≡ 32100000▐0
"yeah!!!"▐` ⌡4 ≡ "!!!    "▐` 
"yeah!!!"▐` ⌡2 ≡ "ah!!!  "▐` 
(012)(345)(678)▐000⌡1 ≡ (345)(678)(000)▐000

a negative β acts like Shift Right:

"yeah!!!"▐` ⌡_2 ≡ "  yeah!"▐` 

and if α~≤β, the whole list will be filled:

12345678⌡8 ≡ ■■■■■■■■

see also: Rotate Left

÷ (0xF6, '%) verb

α÷ Round

rounds α to the closest integer. may do round-half-to-even rounding. scalar.

:3.1÷ ≡ 3
:3.9÷ ≡ 4
   4÷ ≡ 4

see also: Floor, Ceiling

α÷β Euclidean Division

calculates the euclidean division of α and β, which will always be an integer. for positive β, this is the same as floor division α/β⌡. for any α and β, β*(α÷β) + (α%β) ≡ α.

:345÷Φ ≡ :34
:345÷:25 ≡ :13
1÷2 ≡ 0
1÷_2 ≡ 0
_1÷2 ≡ _1
_1÷_2 ≡ 1

see also: Remainder, Floor, Divide

(0xF7, '~) verb

α≈ Is Empty

returns 1 if the length of α is not 0, otherwise 0

123≈ ≡ 1
φ≈ ≡ 0

see also: Is Not Empty

α≈β Not Matches

equivalent to ≡¬

123≈123 ≡ 0
123≈1234 ≡ 1
(+)≈(+) ≡ 1

see also: Not Equals, Matches

° (0xF8, 'dg) verb

α° As Degrees

converts α degrees to radians. equivalent to *├π/:180. scalar.

0° ≡ 0
:90° ≡ π½
:180° ≡ π
:270° ≡ 3*π½
:360° ≡ 2*π
:69°Å ± :69

see also: As Radians

¨ (0xF9, 'nm) literal

¨name Name

the identifier name as a string.

¨bee ≡ "bee"
¨things¨words¨concepts ≡ "things""words""concepts"

· (0xFA, '&) statement


statement that discards the value a and continues with the function or program.

0{4·5·6} ≡ 6

see also: Return

(0xFB, 'V) verb

α√ Square Root

calculate the square root of α. scalar.

2√ ≡ :1.4142135623730951
:1:4:9:16√ ≡ 1234

α√β Root

calculate the βth root of α. scalar.

2√3^3 ≡ 2

(0xFC, 'n, 'ft) verb

αⁿ Default Format

format α with default settings. equivalent to ⁿ1

:123ⁿ ≡ "123"
123ⁿ ≡ "(1 2 3)"

αⁿβ Format

when this is called with a right argument, it will be interpreted in the following way:

you can also use multiple of these in a list, like ⁿ74 (line-separated list of strings)

8 and 9 are useful for neatly formatted tables:

    )9 :99↑44á
((13  4  6 26)
 (53  7 18 72)
 (54 45 84 87)
 (36 41 13 60))

² (0xFD, 'z, 'sq) verb

α² Square

equivalent to ^2. scalar.

4² ≡ :16
0² ≡ 0

α²β Binomial Coefficient

calculate the binomial coefficient α choose β. scalar.

4²012345 ≡ 146410

(0xFE, 'N) noun


none, null, nil, NaN. used as a dummy value sometimes.

see also: Is None, Is Some, Fill Holes, Replace Holes, Filter Holes, Nullify

(0xB8, '") 1-adverb

α╕G Each

call G with each item in α.

123╕▲ ≡ 234
123╕(,0) ≡ (10)(20)(30)
(123)(456)(789)╕♠ ≡ (321)(654)(987)

if α has a non-null fill, G is called to the fill as well:

01001▐0¬ ≡ 10110▐1

α╕Gβ Each

Each (along with its variants) is the main way of doing iteration in vemf. scalar functions (like Add or Minimum) all use Conform, which is similar to Each, so all of this will apply to those functions as well.

123╕+456 ≡ 123+456

if both α and β are lists, pair the items up and call G between them.

123+456 ≡ (1+4)(2+5)(3+6)
"abc"╕,"xyz" ≡ "ax""by""cz"
123*456 ≡ :4:10:18

if all non-scalar arguments have non-null fill, G is called with the fills as well:

0123▐0+1 ≡ 1234▐1
2315103▐4*(1021100▐2) ≡ 2025100▐8

when two lists have different lengths, the shorter list will use its fill to fill up the missing elements:

123+45 ≡ 57■
123+(45▐0) ≡ 573
567+01234 ≡ 579■■
567▐0+01234 ≡ 57934
567▐1+01234 ≡ 57945
567▐1+01234 ≡ 57945

if any argument is a scalar, it will be copied in each iteration (or equivalently, it is extended to the other argument's shape):

123╕,0 ≡ │10│20│30
1234╕{αⁿ;`#} ≡ "#1""#2""#3""#4"
1234ª╕(;`#) ≡ "#1""#2""#3""#4"
1234ª╕;`# ≡ "#1""#2""#3""#4"

if both arguments are scalars, it just applies the operation on them

1╕,2 ≡ 12

if any of the arguments is a function, it treats it as an infinite list, composing the operation to it:

.◄+1↑Φ ≡ 123456789Φ
.◄*(ó2)↑Φ ≡ 0020406080

Each applies only to one level of nesting, unlike Conform:

(│01│23)(│45│67)(89),0 ≡     (│01│23)(│45│67)(89)0
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89)╕,0 ≡    (│01│230)(│45│670)(890)
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89)╕╕,0 ≡   (├010├230)(├450├670)(│80│90)
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89)╕╕╕,0 ≡  (││00│10││20│30)(││40│50││60│70)(│80│90)
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89)╕╕╕╕,0 ≡ (││00│10││20│30)(││40│50││60│70)(│80│90)
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89)_╕,0   ≡ (││00│10││20│30)(││40│50││60│70)(│80│90)

Each is equivalent to using Depth Both 1 or 1╬F

see also: Each Left, Each Right, Conform, Depth Both

α_╕G Conform

call F to every scalar in α, keeping the list's structure. this is similar to Each called arbitrarily many times.

(│01│23)(│45│67)(89)▲ ≡ (│12│34)(│56│78)(9Φ)
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89) _╕(,0) ≡ (││00│10││20│30)(││40│50││60│70)(│80│90)

α_╕Gβ Conform

apply a function to every scalar in α and β, following the same rules as Each, recursively. equivalent to ∞╬F.

0(123)(456)(789) _╕+ 0(123)(12)1 ≡ 0(246)(57■)(89Φ)
(│01│23)(│45│67)(89) _╕, 0 ≡ (││00│10││20│30)(││40│50││60│70)(│80│90)
123_╕,456 ≡ (14)(25)(36)
123(45)6 _╕, 6789 ≡ (16)(27)(38)(│49│59)(6■)

see also: Extend Left, Extend Right, Depth Both

(0xD5, 'et) 1-adverb

╒G Each Trim

similar to Each, but instead of extending the shorter list to fit, it will clip the longer list to match the shorter one. the resulting list will always have None fill.

123╒+45 ≡ 57
12╒+345 ≡ 46
12▐6╒+(345▐7) ≡ 46

this also means it is useful with functions, taking as many items as needed:

3245╒*(┴^Φ) ≡ :3:20:400:5000
01101010╒*.◄ ≡ 01204060

(0xBE, '}) 1-adverb

α╛Gβ Each Left

iterates through α, passing β in each iteration. same as 1╝F.

123╛♫456 ≡ (1├456)(2├456)(3├456)
123╛;1 ≡ (11)(12)(13)

see also: Depth Left, Each Right

α╛G Each Left

monadically, this is the same as Each:

123╛; ≡ (11)(22)(33)

α_╛Gβ Extend Left

call G to every scalar in α, keeping the list's structure, while passing β in each iteration. same as ∞╝F

(123)(45)6  ╛, 78 ≡ (12378)(4578)(678)
(123)(45)6 _╛, 78 ≡ (├178├278├378)(├478├578)├678

see also: Extend Right


monadically, it is the same as Conform:

(123)(45)6 _╛♫ ≡ (♪1♪2♪3)(♪4♪5)♪6

(0xD4, '{) 1-adverb

α╘Gβ Each Right

iterates through β, passing α in each iteration. same as 1╚F

123╘♫456 ≡ (├1234)(├1235)(├1236)

see also: Each Left

α╘G Each Right

monadically, it acts like ┴╘F; iterates through α, passing it in each iteration

123╘* ≡ ((123)(246)(369))
123╘╛, ≡ (│11│21│31)(│12│22│32)(│13│23│33)

α_╘Gβ Extend Right

call G to every scalar in β, keeping the list's structure, while passing α in each iteration. same as ∞╚F

78 _╘, (123)(45)6 ≡ (├781├782├783)(├784├785)├786

see also: Extend


monadically, this is equivalent to ┴_╘G:

(123)4 _╘, ≡ ( (├12341) (├12342) (├12343) ) (├12344)

(0xD1, '\) 1-adverb

α╤G Scan

Reduce, but keeping the intermediate results. the first element will be left unchanged.

12345╤+ ≡ :1:3:6:10:15
12345╤, ≡ 1(12)(123)(1234)(12345)

α╤Gβ Seeded Scan

give an element to start with.

12345╤+1 ≡ :2:4:7:11:16

(0xCF, '/) 1-adverb

α╧G Reduce

apply a dyadic operation over the elements a list, left to right, progressively building up a value.

this can be thought of as inserting the function between every element:

12345╧♫ ≡ (((12)3)4)5
1♫2♫3♫4♫5 ≡ (((12)3)4)5

the Sum of a list is Reduce Add:

12345╧+   ≡ :15
1+2+3+4+5 ≡ :15
12345+    ≡ :15
1234╧* ≡ :24

you can fold starting from the right (as in foldr in haskell) with Reverse and Swap:

12345♠╧┴♫ ≡ 1(2(3(45)))

an empty list will yield null. a one element list (or a scalar) will return itself.

φ╧+ ≡ ■
♪8╧+ ≡ 8

see also: Scan

α╧Gβ Seeded Reduce

gives an element to start with. α╧fβ is always α⌐β╧f. this also means the empty list will return β; in fact, this is how Sum and Product are implemented.

12345╧+0 ≡ :15
φ╧+0 ≡ 0

(0xC2, '|) 1-adverb

α┬G Filter

call G to all elements of α, and return the list including only the items that returned a non-zero value. equivalent to (╛G⌐)╓‼ or α╛G⌐‼α

2370236075060501070613┬(<3) ≡ 20200001001
"Sample text was first invented by James Sample in 1894."┬(≥"a{"+~1) ≡ "S      J S  1894."

see also: Replicate, Power

αF┬G Filter

bind β to G

2370236075060501070613┬<3 ≡ 20200001001

(0xC1, '`) 1-adverb

α┴G Selfie

equivalent to αGα

5+5 ≡ 5┴+

α┴Gβ Swap

equivalent to βGα

1/4 ≡ 4┴/1

(0xBF, 'tl) 1-adverb

┐G To Left

executes G with the left argument, ignoring the right argument. equivalent to (◄G).

3▲   ≡ 4
3┐▲  ≡ 4
3┐▲7 ≡ 4

(0xDA, 'tr) 1-adverb

┌G To Right

executes G with the right argument, or the left argument if not given. equivalent to (►G).

3▲   ≡ 4
3┌▲  ≡ 4
3┌▲4 ≡ 5

(0xC5, 'fp) 1-adverb

α┼G Fix Point

execute G repeatedly until the value stops changing. equivalent to ≡_╩

1┼(/▲) ≡ 5√▲½  ' golden ratio

see also: Until Compare

(0xD8, 's2) 1-adverb

α╪G Scan Pairs

run F through 2-item pairs of α, passing the left item as the left argument and the right item as the right argument. the first item will be left unchanged.

12345 ╪+ ≡ 13579
23456 ╪+1 ≡ 3579:11

α╪Gβ Scan Pairs

run F through 2-item pairs of α, passing the left item as the left argument and the right item as the right argument. β will be passed as the left item to the first item of the result.

12345 ╪♫ ≡ 1(12)(23)(34)(45)
12345 ╪♫0 ≡ (01)(12)(23)(34)(45)

(0xCB, 'su) 2-adverb

αF╦G Scan Until

call a function G repeatedly, returning all the different iterations, until F passes. F is passed the current iteration as α and the last iteration as β.

:100(<5)╦½ ≡ :100:50:25:12.5:6.25:3.125

see also: Until

αF╦Gβ Scan Until

bind β to G

αF_╦G Scan Until Compare

call a function G repeatedly, returning all the different iterations, until αGFα passes: F is passed the current iteration as α and the last iteration as β.

1≡_╦(/▲) ↑:12 *_f⌡/_f ≡ :1.000:2.000:1.500:1.666:1.600:1.625:1.615:1.619:1.617:1.618:1.617:1.618

see also: Until Compare

αF_╦Gβ Scan Until Compare

bind β to G

(0xCA, 'U) 2-adverb

αF╩G Until

call a function G repeatedly, returning the first result where αF passes.

:100(<5)╩½ ≡ :3.125
:100(<1)╩½ ≡ :0.78125

see also: Scan Until

αF╩Gβ Until

bind β to G

αF_╩G Until Compare

call a function G repeatedly, returning the first result where αGFα passes: F is passed the current iteration as α and the last iteration as β. ≡_╩ is the same as Fix Point:

1≡_╩(/▲) ≡ 5√▲½  ' golden ratio

αF_╩Gβ Until Compare

bind β to G

(0xD2, 'sp) 2-adverb

αF╥G Scan Power

call a function G repeatedly, αF times. F will be executed with the arguments. this will return a list of length αf+1, including the original value.

:100 7╥½ ≡ :100:50:25:12.5:6.25:3.125:1.5625:0.78125

αF╥Gβ Scan Power

bind β to F and G

(0xD0, 'P) 2-adverb

αF╨G Power

call a function G repeatedly, αF times. F will be executed with the arguments.

:100 7╨½ ≡ :0.78125

if the result of αF is a list, repeat each of the elements.

123456789 (020110000)╨¼ ≡ 1838Φ6789
1(23)()(4()56)()(89) ≡╕╨Θ ≡ 1(23)Θ(4()56)Θ(89)

αF╨Gβ Power

bind β to F and G

(0xD7, 'wn) 2-adverb

αF╫G Scan Windows

apply a function G to each successive slice ("window") of length αF of the list α.

"things" 3╫► ≡ "thi""hin""ing""ngs"
0123456 3╫+ ≡ 3:6:9:12:15

for a searched list of length n and window length k, the number of windows will be n-k+1Ñ0 (even for k=0):

"thing"0╫► ≡ ()()()()()()

see also: Scan Pairs

αF╫Gβ Scan Windows

bind β to G

(0xBB, 'ad) 2-adverb

αF╗G Amend Deep

return a list α with an item modified. the function G is run on item αF.

(123)(456)(789) φ╗▲ ≡ (234)(567)(89Φ)
(123)(456)(789) 0╗▲ ≡ (234)(456)(789)
"x../xo./..o"(#`.)╗`x ≡ "xx./xo./..o"

if the result of αF is a list, it can modify items deep in a nested list:

(123)(456)(789) (12)╗▲ ≡ (123)(457)(789)

αF╗Gβ Amend Deep

bind β to F

(0xC9, 'am) 2-adverb

αF╔G Amend

return a list where the items at indices αF are modified by G.

"hello world"(46789)╔Ç ≡ "hellO WORLd"

the whole list of the items to be modified is passed to G (α¿(αF)G) and its result is used to replace the items in α. this function is useful for modifying sublists (or substrings) in a list:

"big brown fox"(4↕9)╔» ≡ "big nbrow fox"
"big brown fox"(4↕9)╔(«2) ≡ "big ownbr fox"
"big brown fox"(4↕9)╔"green" ≡ "big green fox"
0123456789(3↨7)╔▲ ≡ 0124567889

but there's no requirement that αF is contiguous, or in order:

". . . . . "(723904)╔"cheese" ≡ "s hee .c.e"
0123456789(681942)╔▼ ≡ 0013355778

if the result list from G is shorter than αF, the last indices will be removed from the list:

"big brown fox"(4↕9)╔"blue" ≡ "big blue fox"
0248Φ(124)╔φ ≡ 08

and if the result list from G is longer than αF, the last values will be inserted after the last one:

"big brown fox"(4↕9)╔(‼2) ≡ "big bbrroowwnn fox"

αF╔Gβ Amend

bind β to F and G

(0xBC, 'dl) 2-adverb

F╝G Depth Left

call the function G at depth F, passing β unchanged if present. same as applying Each Left a specific number of times.

(12(34))(45)6 0╝, 78 ≡ (12(34))(45)678                   ' depth 0 is expectedly useless
(12(34))(45)6 1╝, 78 ≡ ((12(34)78)(4578)(678))           ' apply to each element
(12(34))(45)6 2╝, 78 ≡ (├178├278╞3478)(├478├578)├678     ' apply to each element's element
(12(34))(45)6 3╝, 78 ≡ (├178├278(├378├478))(├478├578)├678' apply to each element's element's element

positive values of F are relative depths. negative values of F are absolute depths, which are computed with the depth of the deepest scalars in the argument like α=+F⌠0. -0 is the same as 0, but luckily ∞ Infinity does the same thing.

(12(34))(45)6 _3╝, 78 ≡ (12(34))(45)678                   ' apply to each list of lists of lists
(12(34))(45)6 _2╝, 78 ≡ ((12(34)78)(4578)(678))           ' apply to each list of lists
(12(34))(45)6 _1╝, 78 ≡ (├178├278╞3478)(├478├578)├678     ' apply to each list of scalars
(12(34))(45)6  ∞╝, 78 ≡ (├178├278(├378├478))(├478├578)├678' apply to each scalars

effectively, a value of -F limits the maximum depth that G can take as a left argument. this is useful, for example, in implementing functions like º Parse which work with text strings, and it does't make sense to give it a nested list. though note also that the depth is only computed once for the whole argument. so something like Θ╝~ doesn't count the length of (45) here:

(12(34))(45)6 Θ╝~ ≡ (112)(11)1

(0xC8, 'dr) 2-adverb

F╚G Depth Right

call the function G at depth F, passing α unchanged if present. same as applying Each Right a specific number of times.

78 0╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ 78(12(34))(45)6
78 1╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ ((7812(34))(7845)(786))
78 2╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ (├781├782╞7834)(├784├785)├786
78 3╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ (├781├782(├783├784))(├784├785)├786

deals with negative depths like Depth Left.

78 _3╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ 78(12(34))(45)6
78 _2╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ ((7812(34))(7845)(786))
78 _1╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ (├781├782╞7834)(├784├785)├786
78  ∞╚, (12(34))(45)6 ≡ (├781├782(├783├784))(├784├785)├786

when called dyadically, the one argument is duplicated, just like Each Right.

(0xCE, 'de 'vl) 2-adverb

α│AB╬Gβ Depth Both

this 2-adverb takes a list of two numbers, A and B, in its left operand. if it's a single number, that number will be the value for both A and B. it specifies the depths at which G will apply to each of its operands, A being the depth of its left operand α, and B being the depth of its left operand β. negative depths are interpreted as absolute, being converted to relative depths of α=+A⌠0 and β=+B⌠0 respectively. using Depth Both is not the same as applying Depth Left and Depth Right separately like A╝B╚G, as Depth Both tries to match up the arguments (like Each). Depth Both is, however, the most generic list iteration primitive, which also means that you probably won't actually need to use it. look:

Each          ╕F ↔   1╚F
Each Left     ╛F ↔ │10╚F
Each Right    ╘F ↔ │01╚F
Conform      _╕F ↔   ∞╚F
Extend Left  _╛F ↔ │∞0╚F
Extend Right _╘F ↔ │0∞╚F
Depth Right  F╝G ↔ │0F╚G
Depth Right  F╚G ↔ │F0╚G

(note the exclusion of Each Trim). but Depth Both is directly used in the definitions of º Parse, ë Decode and ë Decode Base, for its negative depth behaviour

α│AB╬G Depth Both

same as αA╝G

F╬G Depth Both

same as │FF╬G, i.e. it operates on each argument with the same depth number.

αF_╬G Valences

call F.

1{"monad ",│αⁿ}_╬{"dyad ",│αⁿ,` ,│βⁿ} ≡ "monad 1"
1■_╬►  ≡ ■

αF_╬Gβ Valences

call G.

1{"monad ",│αⁿ}_╬{"dyad ",│αⁿ,` ,│βⁿ}2 ≡ "dyad 1 2"
1■_╬►2 ≡ 2

(0xBD, ')) 2-adverb

αF╜G At Left

equivalent to αFG.

αF╜Gβ At Left

equivalent to αFGβ.

F_╜G Atop

adverb form of atop, same as the 2-train FG. αF_╜G is equivalent to αFG, and αF_╜Gβ is equivalent to αFβG. useful when composing functions tacitly.

see also: Trains

(0xD3, '() 2-adverb

αF╙G At Right

equivalent to aG.

αF╙Gβ At Right

equivalent to αG(βF).

F_╙G Bind

adverb form of bind. same as the train Gf, where f is F interpreted as a noun, (or rather, .F). note that the arguments are reversed. αf_╙G and αf_╙Gβ are equivalent to αGf; this ignores the second operand. useful when composing functions tacitly.

see also: Trains

(0xB7, ']) 2-adverb

αF╖G On Left

equivalent to αFGα.

αF╖Gβ On Left

equivalent to αFβGβ.

(0xD6, '[) 2-adverb

αF╓G On Right

equivalent to αG(αF).

αF╓Gβ On Right

equivalent to αG(αFβ).

(0xBA, 'ov) 2-adverb

αF║G Over

equivalent to αFG.

αF║Gβ Over

equivalent to αFG(βF).

(0xC0, 'K) grammar

α└FGH Fork

equivalent to αFG(αH).

α└FGHβ Fork

equivalent to αFβG(αHβ).

(0xC4, 'st) grammar

α─name Set Function

set a local variable .name to the value α. similar to →name Set but acts as a function.

2─two· .two+.two ≡ 4

after setting, it returns α. you can assign a function and use it right after:

2─two+.two ≡ 4

the uppercase ascii letters A B C... are assigned to be ─a ─b ─c by default. this makes for a very convenient way of setting and querying variables:

2T+t ≡ 4  ' αT sets α to the variable `t` and returns α

this function is special in that, when used as a verb and called with two arguments, the right argument will be interpreted after the variable is set. this allows for code like this:

1A 2B (ab)+ ≡ 3

even if (ab) is an argument of B, and would logically other functions evaluate their arguments before calling them.

α─nameβ Set Function

sets a variable to α in the local scope and returns β.

1─a2─b3─c a+b+c ≡ 6
1A2B3C +a+b ≡ 6

see also: Mutate Function, Set

(0xCD, 'mt) grammar

a═name Mutate Function

change the variable .name using the function β. similar ↔name Mutate but acts as a function. returns the changed value.

1→a .▲═a· a ≡ 2
1→a .▲═a+a ≡ 4

α═nameβ Mutate Function

call the function with β as a right argument

1→a .+═a2· a ≡ 3

see also: Set Function, Mutate

(0xD9, '1) grammar

┘m Verbise

turns the following word into a verb. acts as a 1-grouper, see Groups


the number 1.5, or 3/2


the number -0.5, or Θ½

(0xB3, '2) grouper

│mn 2-Group

see Groups


the number 0.6666666666666666, or 2/3


the number 1.4142135623730951, or 2√

(0xC3, '3) grouper

├mno 3-Group

see Groups


the number 0.3333333333333333, or 1/3


the number 1.7320508075688772, or 3√

(0xC6, '4) grouper

╞mnop 4-Group

see Groups


the number 0.25, or 1/4


the number 420

(0xC7, '5) grouper

╟mnopq 5-Group

see Groups


the number 0.75, or 3/4


the number 2.23606797749979, 5√

(0xCC, '6) grouper

╠mnopqr 6-Group

see Groups


the number 0.16666666666666666, or 1/6


the number 360

(0xB4, '7) grouper

┤mnopqrs 7-Group

see Groups


the number 0.14285714285714285, or 1/7


the number 273.15

(0xB5, '8) grouper

╡mnopqrst 8-Group

see Groups


the number 0.125, or 1/8


the number 2.54

(0xB6, '9) grouper

╢mnopqrstu 9-Group

see Groups


the number 0.1111111111111111, or 1/9


the number 365

(0xB9, '0) grouper

╣mnopqrstuv 10-Group

see Groups


the number 2.5, or 5/2


the number 1337